jump1Do you have a Can-Do attitude!?

Whilst talking to a friend yesterday, she commented on how much she admired people with a “can-do” attitude.

This got me to ponder on what it is that makes some people have this quality of always being positive and ready to tackle anything.

Such people are ready to take on anything and no challenge is insurmountable. They have answers for seemingly difficult problems and do not seem to get frazzled by anything.

Often you cannot do anything about circumstances, such as the loss of a job or the end of a relationship. It can knock us off balance, but it is how you react that really determines how long you stay down.

You always have a choice. And you can choose to see the positive side to everything.

Have you ever met someone who is always positive, and a joy to be around – someone with lots of energy, and who can see the sunny side to everything?

You can be such a person too by applying these 11 strategies:-

1. Firstly, such people have a lot of confidence. Success in life depends heavily in believing in your own ability to succeed, and also having a strong sense of self-worth that means you know that you count. So develop your self-confidence by being open to learning and growing, and by paying special attention to yourself and those around you.

2. Stop comparing yourselves unfavourably with others. You put yourself down by thinking that you will never be as good as them. Ask yourself what you can learn from the person you are comparing yourself to. What is it they do that you could model, and attract their perceived level of success?

3. Recall the times in your life when you felt really confident and reconnect with that feeling and know that you can access it again anytime you wish. Get to know yourself. Become aware of your values, strengths and skills, and also how others view you. Get feedback from good friends on how they see you. Listen to them and work on those areas that could be improved.

4. Develop the confident image that you want to project. Select role models and learn from what they do.

5. Improve your image and appearance. Make the most of yourself: get a flattering haircut, manicure your nails and maintain a healthy skin care regime. Take time with your clothes and shoes. Dress to be professional yet comfortable.

6. Focus on the things in your life that are working well, and on your strong points, rather than what you think is not working. What are you good at? Concentrate on the positive aspects of your life and move away from problems and fears.

7. Let go of the inner voice that criticises you every time something doesn’t quite go your way. Instead, analyse the situation and learn from it. This will help you learn, grow and move on. Look creatively at setbacks.

8. Stretch yourself, step outside your comfort zone and boost your confidence even further. Look for creative solutions in any situation. Ask yourself – what’s the worse that can happen here? What can I do that will move me forward?

9. Build up your self-esteem – review all the good things that you have got going in your life and all your achievements to date. Include “minor” achievements too, such as learning to use the computer for sending emails, being able to cook simple dishes and playing basic tunes on the piano.

10. Learn to chill out and have fun. You too can also learn to see potentially stressful situations as challenges or opportunities and not as insoluble problems.

11. Above all, be enthusiastic about life and all that it brings – and remember – life is an adventure. Stay focused on your goals, and keep the motivation going.

Adopt a can do attitude from today.

Cultivate a strong belief in your ability to cope with whatever life may bring.

Good luck.