The Joyous Benefits of Doing Nothing & Feeling Great in 2024!

The Joyous Benefits of Doing Nothing & Feeling Great in 2024!

In a world that never stops moving, the “Benefits of Doing Nothing” might seem like an oxymoron. Yet, here you are, curious about the magic hidden in stillness, wondering if stepping off the relentless treadmill of productivity could be the key to...
What if This is As Good As it Gets?

What if This is As Good As it Gets?

Have you ever paused to wonder, “How can I be content with what I already have?” In a world that constantly urges us to want more, do more, and be more, finding contentment in our current circumstances can feel like a breath of fresh air. It’s about...
Your Ultimate Guide to Grow & Find the Special One in 2024

Your Ultimate Guide to Grow & Find the Special One in 2024

In 2024, the quest to “Find the Special One” remains as elusive and captivating as ever. Are you tired of the endless swiping, disappointing dates, and the feeling of running in circles? You’re not alone. Many are searching for that unique individual...
How to Live Your Life as if Everything is a Miracle

How to Live Your Life as if Everything is a Miracle

Do you believe that life is miraculous? Are you waiting for a miracle to happen in your life? Just imagine what it would be like to live your life as if everything is a miracle. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle....
My 10th London Marathon April 2024: Giving Hope with Samaritans

My 10th London Marathon April 2024: Giving Hope with Samaritans

On 21st April this year, I’ll be taking part in my 10th London Marathon – this time I am running for Samaritans. You could say I am addicted 🙂 Or maybe I am just crazy! Each previous London Marathon has been quite a journey of passion and perseverance. And...
8 Smart Ways to Enjoy a Stress-Free Christmas This Year

8 Smart Ways to Enjoy a Stress-Free Christmas This Year

Are you dreaming of a stress-free Christmas this year? You’re not alone. As the holiday season approaches, visions of tranquil evenings and joy-filled gatherings are often overshadowed by the reality of mounting expenses, endless to-do lists, and challenging...
5 Lessons of Love & Peace from the Last Night of Hanukkah

5 Lessons of Love & Peace from the Last Night of Hanukkah

Yesterday afternoon I had the honour of speaking at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue at their multi-faith Hannukah (Chanukkah) celebration. A few people from different faiths spoke about sharing our light and love, and bringing peace into the world. We need peace and...
How to Be a Solopreneur in 2024: Your Blueprint for Success

How to Be a Solopreneur in 2024: Your Blueprint for Success

Are you wondering how to be a solopreneur in 2024? Then you’ve come to the right place.  In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with a detailed blueprint for success in 2024 and beyond.  From understanding what it means to be a solopreneur to taking...