vinu massi

Every now and then I will be writing about inspirational people whom I have been lucky enough to meet. By looking at their examples, we too can learn lessons about how to live a life of fulfillment, passion, contribution and being the best we can be.

I am starting with Vinu massi, a remarkable lady in her sixties who almost single handedly started Nirvana School in the mid nineties. Her story has a lot of useful learnings for all of us.

Nirvana School was launched by Mrs. Vinodini Samani (aka Vinu massi!) in 1994 after the sudden death of her husband (massi is a respectful Indian term, meaning aunt).

The couple had already settled in Pondicherry in South India and it was a dream of her husband to open a school for the poor children near their newly built home.

There are 7 lessons for all of us from Vinu massi’s shining example:-

1. Have a big vision

It all started with their vision to help the needy and give them a better start in life.

The couple initially began tutoring children in front of their house in 1993.

2. Get started

No matter how humble and small the beginnings, just get going.

Nirvana School was formally opened in December 1995 by Vinu massi. With the financial support of people all over the world, she is now been able to provide a valuable education to a school currently holding 350 children.

3 Ask for support and expect it

People are willing to help – just have to ask. The money will come to support your project.

Nirvana school is now visited every year by many volunteers who want to contribute and also visitors who want to see the work being done at first hand. (Do let me know when you would like to visit 🙂 )

4. Create a core team

People with the right skills will help you.

For the last 12years now, Vinu massi has been running Nirvana School, and fulfilling the vision of her late husband.

5.Persist with your vision

If the vision is big enough, you and others will be able to sustain it.

It is not always easy to start a project like Nirvana School in a foreign country. Yet Vinu massi, who is from the UK, has achieved so much almost single-handedly, and persevered with her vision.

I don’t think even she realizes the scale of her achievement.

6. Believe in yourself

Be determined to fulfill your vision.

And the most important lesson?

7.  Come from a place of love and follow your heart

You must focus on contributing to others and do so without any ulterior motives.

There you are – begin to take your own baby steps towards Nirvana from today onwards by applying these seven keys.

nirvana children