Happy New Year everyone!

We are now well into 2012 and perhaps like most people you have started planning for a “new” you in the New Year.

Just what do you want from the coming year? How sure are you to achieve your New Year resolutions?

You may have thought up a few New Year resolutions, but like most people some of you may have already let these go!

Firstly, you may have noticed that there has been so much talk of 2012 being a year of major shifts in the world with a lot of talk of doom and gloom.

But just know this – you don’t have to listen to all this negative talk!

Remember that there’s so much goodness out there and so many opportunities to prosper, thrive and be successful. It’s just up to you to focus on that and make the good things happen.

So the first point I emphasise for 2012 is that it’s up to you to make the best of your life this year, and indeed any year.

Of course, the beginning of a new year offers you a good starting point – a benchmark which you can easily track as the months progress.

And though getting a fresh start at the beginning of a new year is a good starting, you can choose to transform your life at any time you choose.

For now, let the first couple of weeks of January 2012 be the starting point for a new you – just decide and choose what your new beginnings will be and what sort of year you’ll have.

Here in London, 2012 promises to be quite a year with the Olympics in August and also the Queen’s Diamond jubilee celebrations in June.

What sort of momentous year is ahead of you?

Actually, a more powerful question to ask is this:-

What would you like to have ahead of you in 2012?

My point is that it is up to YOU to create the sort of life you want.

Maybe this is the year when you’ll finally start out on your own and launch your own business or an NGO? Or you will follow your passion and find just the sort of fulfilling work you always wanted to do?

Perhaps this will be the year you will go travelling and visit some exotic lands. Maybe you’ll decide to start a family?

The exciting possibilities for your life are truly endless!

Most importantly, this is the year for you to focus on YOU.

After all if you are not doing your best and if you are not thriving, how can you support and help others?

It is time for you to make your life BIG.

Remember that:-

  • You were NOT meant to play small.
  • Your goals have to excite you.
  • Your goals have to scare you.

And ultimately, your life and your goals should make a difference to others.

What is it that YOU can do in 2012 that will transform your life and impact the world in a positive way?

What will it take to ignite you in 2012?

And playing small will not serve you or the world.

Who are you to not let your light shine?

Remember that your life counts – and make it count.  You are unique. There is no one like you on this planet. Never has been and never will be.

Do not sell your self short. Do not sell the world short. This is your life – love it, live it. One life, one chance – grab it.

Get the life you love – and live it.

Here are three questions I just shared with a coaching client which will interest and inspire you too:-

1. What will you create in 2012?

2. What will you do differently in 2012?

3. If I was to meet you for tea in Dec 2012, what sort of year will you tell me you have had?

I invite you to spend some time reflecting on these questions and then I invite you to share your answers with the world in the comments section below :-).

Alternatively you can email your answers to me via the contact page.

I can guarantee that if you can focus on being the best you can be over the coming 12 months, your life will be transformed.

Despite all the doomsayers, there is so much for us to look forward to in 2012. Human beings are amazing and we are all so courageous, resilient and powerful.

In 2012, be happy, healthy and inspired! And strut your stuff like a peacock!

My Coaching Offer:-

I am now opening up my coaching practice for more clients – please contact me for an initial discussion.

My commitment is to walk with you in 2012 and give you everything I have to help you find your greatness, and to help you make the world a better place at the same time.

You only have one life – are you ready to make yours BIG?

Read here what other clients have said about my coaching.