How to Suffer Excruciating Pain and Live Again

How to Suffer Excruciating Pain and Live Again

What’s the most excruciating pain you have ever felt in your life? I don’t mean physical pain, but the pain of the loss of a loved one. How did you get through? A while ago, the football (soccer) world was shocked and saddened by the death of the German...
The Day I Saved a Drowning Bug and Why

The Day I Saved a Drowning Bug and Why

A few days ago as I brushed my teeth in the morning a miracle happened just before my eyes. I turned the tap in the bathroom sink and as the water strarted gushing out, I saw a tiny speck swirling about in the rushing water. I jumped and quickly plugged the sinkhole...
Lessons in Compassion from Tsunami

Lessons in Compassion from Tsunami

It is 3 years to the day today since Tsunami caused so much distruction and death in South East Asia. On 26th December 2004, the world changed for ever. As the Tsunami waves caused death and distruction, the world re-discoverd what it was like to be compassionate....
Mother Teresa on Loneliness, Love and Peace

Mother Teresa on Loneliness, Love and Peace

Mother Teresa left behind many poignant and deep quotations about LOVE. The common theme of her words reflect her work with the lonely, the sick, the dying and the destitute. Her unending love came through in her work and in her words. She was forever compassionate...
Get over It, Girl!

Get over It, Girl!

I recently wrote about how it was time to let your light shine. During that talk by Marianne Williamson in central London, she spoke with a lot of humour and compassion about supporting the people around us. Supporting the people in our lives is all about empowering...
How to Be Human and Vulnerable

How to Be Human and Vulnerable

How do you react when you see someone in a wheelchair? A quick shift of the eyes away from theirs or do you acknowledge them? A while back I wrote about treating others the way you want to be treated. So just what should you do when you see someone in wheelchair? Or...