bald man

Do you ever suffer from a heavy head?

I had a heavy head yesterday morning and it didn’t feel great. Maybe you can relate to this – a sheer feeling of heaviness and sluggishness.

So I found a simple solution – I had a haircut. And immediately I felt so much better.

It always helps to let go of all that extra weight:-)

Now I also know why some of our most popular bloggers such as Seth Godin and Leo Babauta are bald. Surely having less on your head means you can get more out of it?

Looking around, Gandhi was bald too.

Dr Wayne Dwyer, one of my inspirational teachers, is also folliclely challenged or should that be folliclely gifted? Or maybe it’s just old age:-)

Let me point out that I didn’t go the whole way and have a bald hair-style, but given the chance, my barber would have loved to have shorn off all my hair.

So here’s an idea for you – next time you feel heavy headed, go and get a haircut.

I know how some of you will be really attached to your hairstyle – but try something new and get a different look.

Even if you are female and you have longish hair. Indeed, especially if you are female. New look, new beginnings 🙂

Leo Babauta of Zen Habits in particular takes a minimalist approach to sartorial elegance. Maybe we should take a leaf out of his book and shorn more hair off our heads.

Failing that you can also consider these ideas to clear that heavy head in just 10 minutes:-

  • Walk around your neighbourhood
  • Drink herbal or green tea at your local café
  • Sit in a garden and do nothing
  • Take a power nap (and make sure it’s no more than 10 mins)
  • Listen to some soothing, soft music.
  • Do the hula hoop (my favourite – video coming soon!)
  • Bounce gently or even rigorously on a rebounder or trampoline
  • Meditate in a quiet spot
  • Have a freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice, ideally made by you

Now over to you – how do you get rid of that heavy feeling?

If not a haircut, then what do you do?

Image courtesy of GerryT