apples have never tasted more delicious!

Today has been the second day of my apple fast – and so far so good.

Amazingly having had no whole food for 48 hours, I have more energy and focus than I have had for a long time.

Another 3 days to come of freshly squeezed apple juice, 3 times a day. I am using slightly sour green apples – apprently the more sour, the more powerful the detoxing.

What I have really enjoyed is the simplicity of my “meals” – I am not expending any time or energy on deciding what to eat, how to prepare it etc. Of course my meals now take just 5 minutes to prepare and almost no time to finish.

I have straightaway gained 2 hours a day through not preparing and eating proper meals.

More importantly, my body feels rested – this must be the first time in my entire life that my digestive system has had 2 days off (so far).

The long term benefits will be considerable too as over the next few days my body detoxes and gets cleaned up. This is despite having had a very “clean” vegetarian diet for many years now.

The point is that this body is for life – and the best day to start looking after it is today.

Your body is your temple – when will YOU start treating it as sacred?