make sensible choices

Yesterday, I visited my local supermarket for my weekly shopping trip. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and check out new products.

The striking thing about supermarkets nowadays is just how much the product range has changed, even in just the last few months.

For a start, I now see much more choice in organic vegetables. This is great news for vegetarians like me and also the many people now switching to a healthier diet.

The packaging is changing with many more recyclable, user friendly and less wasteful examples. Also there are environmentally friendly products such as detergents.

A simple practical tip – always make a list of the items you need to buy before you go to the supermarket. Not only will this make your trip more focussed and quicker, you will avoid any temptations. Having once worked in the food industry, you will be amazed at the tricks and clever ploys used by supermarkets to tempt you. So be aware!

The approach and attitude of supermarkets is however changing for the better. They are finally waking up to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility 🙂

Whilst I was checking out, I was offered help with my packing. Usually I would have declined, but then I thought it was an opportunity for someone to help me for a change. So I got to speak to a “packer” and learn about his life.

As it turned out, the delightful checkout lady was an Indian originally from the same tiny town in Gujarat as my grandparents! It is such a small world indeed.

Whilst I was checking out, I wondered just how clearly your checkout trolley reflects your chosen lifestyle. So for example, my purchases such as vegetables, soya milk, and recycled paper tissues would have given a stranger a good insight into my principles.

Those product choices would not always have been the case and reflects mine and many other people’s changing attitudes.

So here are some thoughts for next time you go to the supermarket:-

1. What choices are you consciously making to impact your health, your environment and all those around you?

2. With a greater awareness of the impact of the purchasing choices you make, what will you do to make sensible changes?

3. What opportunities can you tale up to make human contact?

(for example, on my trip yesterday I spoke to a customer service person, the checkout lady, the packing person, the car park attendant and two fellow shoppers).

4. How can you positively impact the day of the people you interact with?

You will find that your shopping trip will be even more enjoyable by looking for opportunities to positively interact.

Next time you go to the shops, see it as a wonderful opportunity to do something for your health, wealth and the world around you.

Remember that every bit you do ultimately makes a difference.