experience life for yourself - and smile!

I have just received a stunningly beautiful thank-you card from some friends who recently came to mine for lunch.

Isn’t it just wonderful when people go out of their way to show their appreciation?

There is a beautifully handwritten message inside the card – this is one card I am sure to treasure. What makes it even more special is the message on the front of the card – something called the Kalama Sutra by the Buddha.

I have lately been coming across a lot of literature about the Buddha and this is yet another insightful buddhist message which I would like to share with you:-

Do not believe, just because wise men say so.

Do not believe, just because it has always been that way.

Do not believe, just because others may believe so.

Examine and – experience yourself!

I wonder if the Buddha said these words with an exclamation mark at the end of the last phrase. I can just imagine him ending this passage with a child like smile on his face.

So as you go along on your own life journey and get the life you love and live it, just remember to closely examine and fully experience everything you come across.

Make up your own mind about the world in you and around you. And of course, like the Buddha, keep smiling.