picnic in India :-)

If you are not able to attend my annual “Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic” on Sunday 9th August 2015 in Regents Park, London, then how about organising your own?

No matter where you are in the world, it will be a great way to bring together friends, old and new.

The idea is simply to get a lot of friends and their friends together. And to have a really good time. Chances are that you will get together a multi-cultural group from all ages and social backgrounds.

So invite all your fiends and ask them to invite all their friends and they invite their friends and so on……and before you know, there will be 100’s of friends, new and old, having a lot of fun.

Tips to hold your own “Friends and Friend’s Friends” Picnic:-

1. Choose a date (if it is not Sunday, 9th August).

2. Choose a venue. Make sure it is large enough to hold the number of people you expect to come.

Tell people that the picnic will go ahead no matter what the weather.

If it is winter where you are, then hold an indoor picnic!

3. Create a theme for the picnic – such as “Friendship, Fun and Hope”,

4. Invite everyone to bring their own food and drinks plus some extra to share. Arrange some games and sports if the venue permits this.

5. Insist that people bring their children. If they don’t have any, ask them to borrow some for the day!

6. Choose an unusual theme or activity such as African drumming and singing. Invite people to bring along any musical instrument they would like to play.

7. Also invite people to come and share some of their unique skills such as dancing, juggling etc.

8. Be prepared to have a lot of fun!

Enjoy 🙂

Please also contact me if you need further support.

drumming at picnic 2004 in Regents Park