Isn’t it funny how the most casual of connections can lead to something major, and possibly life changing?!

About 6 months ago, at a fashion event, I met someone called Asha (which literally means hope).

Well, we became friends and today I am proud and honoured to announce a new peace song just launched for Christmas by Asha called “Asha for Peace”.

Please listen to the song and check out the moving video created to go with her inspirational words at Asha for Peace. Simply click on the image above.

Asha means “hope” in Hindi and other Indian languages. So Asha’s new peace song literally translates as “Hope for Peace”.

The song has the potential to become a massive hit with its heartfelt message to make the world a better place.

The moving video to go with the song focuses on children from Nirvana School and highlights their innocence as they go about their daily lives and as they pray for a better tomorrow.

My involvement with Nirvana School now goes back over 10 years and many of you have kindly supported this project over the years through your donations and sponsorship of the Nirvana children. Thank you.

If you are not aware of Nirvana school, then it all began for me all those years with my first true experience of unconditional love.

You can also check out other inspirational stories about Nirvana school by clicking on that category on the right here.

A couple of friends are shortly due to visit Nirvana school as volunteers. Does anyone else fancy visiting the school too?!

please visit the nirvana children soon!