one is never too busy to hug and make-up!

Last Saturday, I held a charity cabaret evening to raise some funds for Nirvana School and also Shivia.

It was a wonderful evening with many brave people fighting their way through torrential rain, lightning and flooding. I haven’t been in the middle of such ferocious rainfall since my time in Pondicherry, South India many years ago when I visited Nirvana School.

By the way, here is a letter from Pondicherry .

About from the charity aspect of the evening, the idea was to also make it a fun and unusual event to get people from all background together. As it was, it turned out to be a magical evening and it was just as if  many old friends were coming together after a long time.

In the period of just two hours, many new friendships were formed and already a lot of my friends have connected and become friends with each other.

This proved to me once again how easy it can be to bring people together and create new friendships and harmony.

Simple really, just choose an unusual event, spread the word, be the host and the “connector” and let magic occur. Of course, wine is only optional!

To end, here is a cute video for Friday and the end of the week. It is all about a pair of different animals getting on really well with each other.

If animals can live together like this, then surely so can humans:-)