jump for joy after just 5 hours of sleep!
What would your life be like if you suddenly gained a few extra hours each day?

Can you see how you could then do more of the things you enjoy?

Or maybe some of you would work even more hours on your businesses or work life!

Today in the UK the clocks have gone back one hour which means that just for one day, we had an “extra” hour.

It’s a quirky thing how here in the UK we create British Summer Time by putting our clocks forward by an hour in early spring and then we put them back an hour in autumn.

It’s all to help our farmers with more light in the winter mornings – but personally I prefer lighter evenings.

I used the “extra” hour today to cleanse my home and did some more de-cluttering (does it ever end?) in readiness for Diwali and the Indian New Year next weekend.

A while ago I wrote about my 9 tips to create and extra hour everyday.

But how can you create a few extra hours each day of your life without having to manipulate the clock?

Well, my friend and mentor Steven Aitchison has created a wonderful new guide called “How to Become an Advanced Early Riser” where he shows you how to get 5 hours of sleep each night and still feel fantastic.

As Steven says:-

“This guide will show you exactly how to sleep 5 hours every night and still feel fantastic, whilst being more productive, having more energy, and relaxing more.

Ever wondered what the top achievers in life have in common: they sleep less and achieve more.

This guide is perfect if you want a concise yet detailed program which will show you how to gain an extra 7 – 28 hours per week, time spent on things you love doing the most.”

Now I must admit that though I would love to get by on just 5 hours sleep each day, I usually need 7 to 8 hours. My late father used to get by on 4 hours sleep a night – even to the ripe old age of 78 he was getting up at 3.30 am every day to meditate for a few hours before I was even awake!

I am applying Steven’s guide during the 30 days of November starting on Monday 1st Nov.

In the meantime, I was privileged to interview Steven about his new guide:-

1. You have created quite a resource to help people sleep less and yet sleep better. What was your inspiration and motivation?

The inspiration really comes from writing what I know about.  I have been getting by on around 5-6 hours sleep for 13 years or so and totally love the feeling of being able to achieve so much more than I could than if I were to sleep in every morning.

I wrote to my subscribers from Change your Thoughts asking if they would be interested in a guide like this, and surprisingly most of them said they would love to read a guide on How to become an early riser without compromising their energy levels throughout the day.

2. Please describe your product in more detail. Usually ebooks or guides are just that – a single document to read. Why have you gone for MP3s as well?

There are three parts to the guide:

The main guide; Shows you how to get a quality sleep and how to keep your energy levels high throughout the day.

The success log: This is where you can record what your sleeping patterns, your energy levels and your motivations for rising early are just now.  It also lets you record your reasons for getting up early and getting less sleep, as motivation plays a huge role in being able to get by on less sleep and get up early.  If you are not totally excited about getting up in the morning, your motivation will soon disappear.

The Mp3s: These are four downloads to help you relax when you need to.  There are two pieces of relaxation music, one to help you sleep at night and one to help you for relaxation.  There is also a guided meditation which will transport you to another place in your mind to help you focus on your intentions in life.  The fourth piece is a strange piece of dance trance music interlaced with binaural beats, which has the power to alter your brainwave patterns to induce a burst of energy, which lasts for an hour or so.

3. What’s your suggested approach for using your guide?

Everybody is different and it’s important to find your own way of working with the program.  The program has 18 modules to help you, and you can pick and choose the modules which is important to you.  Some of the suggestions you may already do, but most of them you can implement to be able to sleep a lot less hours than you do just now.

So my suggestion is to read the full program, do the exercises in the success log, and then start implementing the program to suit your own situation.

You will start to see results in as little as 1-2 weeks.  One customer, who is 8 months pregnant, tried the program and reported she is now sleeping 1 hour less per day and is getting a lot more done in her life, which is amazing considering the body hormonal balance changes so much during pregnancy.

4. How did you research and test your teachings?

Most of the research in science states that getting less sleep is bad for you. However I found a major flaw in a lot of the scientific studies.  They were mostly based on self reporting evidence, which means it is not based on actual measurable results.

One study which was based on using data from a wrist monitor found that women who sleep between 5 hours and six and half hours were more likely to live longer, that’s a much better study than self reporting as you can see results.  However, there are always two sides to the story.

Although I carried out a lot of research I found the best research is on myself.  I know exactly how I feel each day and have, in the past, recorded my own energy levels, sleeping patterns and concentration levels.

I found that I concentrated much better in the mornings and got so much more done than I did at night, there’s something about a brand new day that just gets you going.

I figured if I am getting these results, why not dissect what i am doing and then pass that information on to others who might be interested.

jump for joy!

5. I am assuming you are now getting by on 5 hours sleep a night. How many hours were you sleeping before? How long did the transition take?

I am sleeping on average 5 hours per night, sometimes four and a half, sometimes 6.

I used to sleep about 8-9 hours per night, but found myself constantly rushing in the mornings, being later for work, and generally just harassed throughout the day, I was meeting myself coming backwards.

That changed when I nearly lost my job for being late and I decided it was time to change.  It was also about the same time I was really starting to study the mind and what it was capable of and the first two tests were getting up early and getting up without the help of an alarm clock.

So it was almost an overnight thing, however it took me a few weeks for my body to adjust to the new routine.

6. I notice that you also have other guides already on your website. What’s next for you?

I would love to write a comprehensive blogging course, but I need to do a few more things before that comes out.  I have so many ideas which I will run by my list of subscribers and let them be the best judge of what would work.

7. Finally, anything else you would like to add about your product, your blog and what you do?

I would like to add that How to Become an Advanced Early Riser is not for everyone, especially if you are recovering from illness or are currently going through an illness.  Like anything else, listen to your own body.

I have so many plans for my blog which should see it become much bigger in 2011.  My goal last year, when my blog had 3,000 subscribers, was to reach 10,000 blog subscribers, and I have now reached that figure, to date I have around 14,000 blog subscribers.

I now want to write more posts about blogging and the business of blogging, but realise they will have to be guest posts as my audience won’t really appreciate blogging articles.

I also want to do more blog coaching, more life coaching and much more guest posting.

Thanks Steven for sharing your wisdom with my readers – and congratulations for your success and for creating such a useful resource.

I remember well you telling me a year ago how your target was to reach 10,000 subscribers a year ago – and well done for doing so.

I wish you even more success with all your projects in the coming months and years – the world is a better place because of what you do.

And please do share your own tips for sleeping fewer hours:-)

Image courtesy of bdogggut34