silver porsche

What’s the one thing you have always wanted?

For me, it’s a Porsche.

Yes, really.

Don’t get me wrong – I do aim to live a simple and minimalist lifestyle.

Over the last few years, I have really simplified my life – and I have been madly jettisoning things from my life – from crockery to commitments.

My family thinks I’m crazy not to keep a couple of dozen teacups. They can’t understand how I get by on just four.

Maybe you already know that we don’t need most of the things we accumulate.

If not, then here are my 20 questions to help you simplify and declutter your life for ever.

Excess stuff crowds our space, clutters our minds and separates us from the knowledge of what’s important. And it’s financially draining.

Less is more and clearly less is best.

However, I still love my gadgets and my fancy goods – and I crave a shining toy, the ultimate for me, a Porsche.

Ever since a silver Porsche whizzed past me on a Swiss mountain road a few years ago, I have coveted one.

I mentioned this to a friend recently and she was astounded that a “minimalist” like me would have aspirations of owning a car like a Porsche.

As I said to my friend, being a minimalist is not just about how little or how much stuff you have, but also about having those things that are important to you.

Besides, having a fast car is usually seen as the territory for younger people. But of course, there are many other positively, amazing ways to be young forever.

Minimalism doesn’t preclude or prohibit indulging one’s desires, appreciating an object of quality or purchasing something at an exorbitant price.

If you are a hard-core minimalist that’s great – but that doesn’t mean judging those people who choose to invest their money and dreams in, say, a Porsche.

Remember to be non-judgmental of yourself and others

Why would I want a Porsche in the first place?

I’ve listed my reasons for wanting a Porsche below. See if you can come up with your own reasons for wanting what you want:

  • The sheer thrill of speed and excitement. If you’ve ever been in a fast car on an open road, you’ll know just what I mean.
  • Having things of the highest quality. Minimalism means fewer things, not cheap or shoddy things. It doesn’t mean that we always have to compromise.
  • Not living a life of self-denial or sacrifice, where only completely necessary possessions are acceptable. If an expensive pen, a designer brand bag or even a Porsche does it for you, then why not go for it?
  • Experiencing the delicious feeling of abundance that has nothing to do with an abundance of things. It’s an abundant world and abundance is our birthright, or so all the inspiration gurus keep telling us. There’s plenty to go around, though not necessarily a Porsche for everyone.
  • Travel in the best, most comfortable way. Luxury is good, and not against any notions of how minimalists should live their lives.

Look at the luxury products you might desire in your life. Ask yourself “Do I need them? Why do I need them? Where do they fit in my priorities, and are they affordable?”

And would Lakshmi, the Indian goddess of wealth approve!?

red porsche

Here’s my guide to help you decide whether or not you should get that luxury product.

1. Look at Your Values, Priorities and Life Goals

Your purchases must be in line with who you are and what you stand for. If it’s a big-ticket item, ask yourself if it would be in line with your values, priorities and life goals.

Would you rather have a big house or a big life?

Take some time to think about what you are spending your money on – and base all your purchases on these deeper considerations.

At the same time, remember that you do also want some fun and thrills in your life.

You can have it all – and get to live a full life by filling each moment with meaning and purpose.

2. Create a Long-Term Financial Plan

This is all about managing your priorities.

Create an emergency fund and also set aside target sums for retirement, taxes, school fees, etc., before you spend on the fun stuff.

An expensive purchase made recklessly now could mean having regrets for years to come. Consider it well, and never make a decision on the spot.

The value of any acquisition is not what you pay for it, but the value you derive from it.

So ask yourself: Will I derive enough value from say a Montblanc pen, a Gucchi bag or a Porsche to put it above other things on my priority list?

3. Stop Competing with Others

Never ever buy stuff just to keep up with the Joneses, the Patels or the Cohens. Or whoever it is in your community who are seen as the trendsetters.

If you do this, you will end up in a never-ending game that will become more and more costly. You just cannot win.

Buy consciously and look at the bigger picture – and if that picture still allows you to get your Porsche, then go for it.

Or maybe, you just need to slow down enough to find your freedom.

Consider this – maybe it’s time for you to slow down and get inspired in other ways.

4. Ignore the Media Hype and Illusions of Grandeur

People identify high-profile, branded, luxury items with prestige and exclusivity and we are bombarded daily with marketing messages about how what we possess says a lot about us.

I admit that I’ve partly succumbed to media exposure and my belief of what owning a Porsche would say about me.

Are you, too, looking for external signs of success? What do you think your “Porsche” would say about you? Will it be a sign that you have “arrived”? Or will you truly enjoy it on its own merits?

5. Look at Alternate Ways of Fulfilling Your Speed Bug or Thirst for Grandeur

There are various ways of getting the thrills and excitement that you feel you’ll get from your luxury purchase.

Look for other ways to get inspired and find your inner muse.

For example, you could hire, borrow or steal a Porsche, though I don’t advocate the last method unless you also want to be driven away in an almost-as-fast police car.

Kick your obstacles to the curb and live your dream.

Also, remember that your eventual fulfilment from that long-coveted item could be short-lived.

Get clearer in your mind about what you really want – and write a letter to the universe. You may just manifest what you really need and want.

6. Make Sure you Know the Hidden Costs

Whatever you buy, check out in advance the running costs, if any, of your coveted item.

For example, just imagine the hefty insurance premiums and servicing charges on a Porsche.

And that’s before you take into account the instant depreciation that occurs the moment you drive a new car off the showroom forecourt.

7. Look at the Bigger Picture

What impact will your purchase have?

For example, the environmental impact of fast cars has already been documented. If you are concerned about the environment, will you still purchase a gas-guzzling vehicle?

Also, luxury items are a temptation to thieves. Will you be at risk of robbery? And will you be constantly worried about losing them?

The Way Forward

It all comes back to this: what’s really more important to you?

At the end of the day, money is just a tool to help you create and live the type of life you want. If you know what you truly want in your life and that happens to be a Porsche, and you have created the financial means for it, then go get it.

But with money comes the responsibility to spend it wisely.

Yes, be careful how you spend your money, and on what. But frugality doesn’t mean giving up on your dreams. You can be frugal but not give up on some of the things that excite you and make your life more fun.

Always believe something wonderful is coming your way.

Just find the right balance between what you want, your motivations, your priorities, and what you can afford.

P.S. And if you ever see me in a Porsche, please check with me immediately to find out if it’s really mine.

Images courtesy of Porsche Show Room, Berkeley Square, London