john lennon give peace a chance

Are you in need of some inspiration?

Maybe you are feeling sorry for yourself?

Or perhaps you just want to hear or see something with a feel-good factor?

Then look no further than this amazing and inspirational video of a courageous and talented contestant from the Australian X-factor TV show.

I watched this earlier today and I have no shame in admitting that I was reduced to tears.

The guy in this video Emmanuel Kelly made my day, my month and my year! I shared this on my Facebook page earlier and I had lots of comments from my friends saying how much it had moved them too.

So now I am sharing this with all of you. I challenge you not to cry.

No, I take that back – I challenge you all to cry, and to cry openly.

What is it that so moves our human spirit?

Is it the sheer courage of this young man in following his dream?

Is it that we are tinged with pity?

Maybe we are immensely moved by the kindness and compassion shown by one woman and her courage and determination against such odds.

I’ll tell you exactly what it is.

It is our human spirit at its best.

Moments like this allow the best of us to come through. And they show all that’s great and noble about us.

It’s such moments that make life so wonderful and worthwhile.

Reminds me of the time I truly experienced unconditional love for the first time in India.

When we experience such moments, the world is suddenly alright again. We bask in this great feel good factor – and any of our own petty problems simply disappear in the light of our greatness.

Such moments may seem so short lived – but you can rekindle them anytime you want – simply watch this video again and again!

Do share below your own thoughts about this video and about Emmanuel Kelly.

What lights up your world?

And what will it take for you to truly follow your dream?

Remember – just imagine what YOU can do.