Not so appealing so anymore :-(

Krispy Kreme doughnuts can be seen in many UK high streets and also sold in UK supermarkets. But as people wake up to just what’s good and what’s not good for their bodies, it is debateable just how well such food products will do in the future.

So right on cue I have just learnt that Krispy Kreme are having serious problems in the USA and UK..

The struggling US snack foods giant Krispy Kreme slid deeper into the red as second quarter losses grew to $27m (£13.3m) from $4.6m in 2006. Shares in the doughnut maker dropped 25% in reaction to the latest bad news to hit Krispy Kreme, but what’s really happening here?

One of the factors blamed for Krispy Kreme’s declining sales is the growing trend in healthy eating. So the world is finally waking up to just what is good for us.

Whilst this provides a tremendous opportunity for new companies with healthy products, it bodes disaster for many existing companies.

As Krispy Kreme retrenches and makes efforts to recover, I believe that this is just the first of many more such companies struggling as the world wakes up to just what is good for us.

Ultimately it comes down to corporate social responsibility with companies having to address just what products and services they manufacture for the great good of all concerned.

Heathy snack anyone?!

dream of things good for you!