Turkish delight in Istanbul

A couple of days ago, I had lunch with some new international friends. As a gift, they brought along the most divine Turkish delight sweets, all the way from Istanbul.

Those sweets have been the highlight of this week and many a week. Their subtle flavour and exotic sweetness was simply divine.

Strange how often I talk about food 🙂

Yet a few weeks ago I had not even met these new friends. Isn’t it funny how we get interconnected and our lives get interweaved, all thanks to a mutual friend’s email connecting us through the cyberspace.

Life is full of delights – you just never know what is around the corner. So be open to meeting new people, having new experiences and tasting new culinary treats.

And next time you visit some new friends, just take along some exotic dessert. It is by partaking in such delights that deep friendships are formed.