glorious sunrise or is it a sunset? the sun is always rising somewhere in the world!

Here I am writing at dusk after a sunny spring day in London. I say sunny but we have probably had all the seasons of the year already in the last day!

The year is whizzing past as summer approaches and the news headlines are as colourful and dramatic as ever. Whilst here in the UK, the scandal of the MPs expense claims shows no sign of abating, there is hope of lasting peace breaking out in Sri Lanka.

The civil war in Sri Lanka that has been raging for 30 years seems to have come to an end but at huge human cost. Now begins the mammoth challenge of rebuilding and most importantly reconciliation. There is a window of opportunity for peace here if everyone is willing to grab it.

Another hearty story has been the success of the Gurkha Justice Campaign on behalf of the ex-Gurkha soldiers who had been fighting for years to have the right to settle in the UK if they wish.

The whole campaign was based on the belief that those who have fought and been prepared to die for the UK should have the the right to live in the country. The UK owes the Gurkhas a debt of honour – a debt that will now thankfully be paid.

justice for gurkhas at last

Those two stories from the last week encompass for me what is going on in the world today. Major events like the Sri Lankan situation which brings the promise of peace and also justice being done in the case of the Gurkhas.

At the same time, there is so much more we need to be doing. Quite simply, we need to bring more love and compassion in the world.

For example, if there was enough love and compassion in the world, would we let children die of starvation and allow millions to suffer from aids? Or maybe there is enough love and compassion in the world, just not enough desire or determination to make it happen.

We also need to remember that no matter what is happening around us, it is still an amazing world and it is only a question of us getting present to it.

Everything around us is a miracle and yet we take it all for granted. We know very little of even how the smallest ant thrives. The life force within us and all around us keeps going unhindered and it really is humbling.

During my morning meditation today (yes, I meditate every morning), an amazing thing happened. I was  swept away by wave after wave of gratitude for all the people in my life and for all the lessons life is bringing my way.

What has been coming up for me lately is the desire to write more, impact more people and create my own legacy. Even though it is a year since I ceased writing my regular newsletter, people still tell me how much they enjoyed reading it! It is amazing and very humbling to know that people appreciate and look forward to reading what I have to say.

I am now therefore committing to writing at least 2 blog posts every week, to be published every Tuesday and Friday without fail until further notice. I may also occasionally publish on other days if dictated by events.

As I seem to have a loyal readership, please do let me know what you would like me to write about. I shall oblige as far as possible and if within my areas of interest.

So what has prompted this change?

Well, I have been inspired in this respect by Chris Guillebeau . Do check out his website and be sure to download his guide on how to dominate the world.

Dominate the World

Learning from Chris’s inspiring example and guidance, I am currently writing my own “manifesto” to help you make it happen in your own life. Look out for this in a couple of week’s time.

I also want to create a set of resources to help more people get what they want from life whilst at the same time make a difference in the world.

My vision is to create a resource for people who want to change the world, have a great life, be the best they can be AND have a fabulous time whilst they are building their own legacy.

I am inspired to help people get through the current challenging times and make the most of this opportunity for us to review the way we live. There is a ground swell of change happening all around us and countless people wanting to make positive change and lasting impact – I hope to facilitate this process.

My commitment to making it happen and writing regularly is now out there via this post – it is now time to make it happen for all of us. There is already what I feel is a treasure trove of content on my blog – do look around and explore my previous articles whilst you look out for the next one. Please also subscribe so as to never miss an article.

To get you started, please reflect on these 2 questions:-

1. What one thing must you do in your lifetime?
2. When will you begin?

Thank you for sharing my journey so far – and hold on tight as I feel the ride is going to get rather exciting from here on.

With love, gratitude and humility

life is beautiful!