sunrise or sunset - what a wonderful world!

Yesterday afternoon, I received one of those messages which stop you in your tracks and uplift you instanteously.

My friend Hilary Barton had just returned from a week away and was inspired to send a truly hearfelt message to all her friends.

I first met Hilary at my annual picnic in Aug 2003 – she is a friend of a friend, who on that sunny day four years ago became my friend too 🙂

With her permission, I am honoured to present her inspirational words:-

“Dear All,

Having recently returned from a wonderful week of positivity, creativeness and meditation in many forms thanks to the wonderful One World Camp – I have come back and decided to give myself more quiet time – time to think, meditate and just be.

Something that came up from this was the thought that it is very easy to get drawn into a negative state, a state of fear about the future when hearing all the terrible things that are going on in the world, especially the changes in the environment.

We hear so much about the “destructive forces of nature” as well as all the wars and atrocities going on that it becomes a part of our way of thinking and we expect it , talk about it all the time (especially the weather!) and get dragged down into seeing that death and destruction of the planet are inevitable. Not only are we bombarded with news about such events but there are many blockbuster films which re-enforce these beliefs.

The older I get, the more I am convinced that we get what we think about and believe in. If millions of people are thinking of destruction – more destruction is produced and a vicious circle established.

If only we could believe and think that the world is in balance. That the weather systems are in harmony, that we are in harmony with the world. See the world providing us all we need and we providing it, the earth, the atmosphere with what it needs.

If we as individuals can be in harmony – it can only spread – if we start to see this, want it, intend it – it must surely have a positive effect. I am sure many of you already practice such things in your prayers and meditations.

However, it never hurts to get a reminder! So I am asking my friends (and anyone who I think might well be interested – please send this on also to your friends/contacts) to start to visualise good things for the planet, to see things improving, humans treating the environment and each other with respect and care.

Please lets do this on a daily basis – lets also do all we can as individuals in a practical way – recycling, walking (occasionally) instead of driving, growing your own veg, being as close as we can to our friends, family, neighbours – I am sure you can all think of hundreds of ways.

Lets just do it!

(I wouldn’t normally write like this – I would feel a bit timid in doing so– but the feeling to do it was so strong – I decided not to resist it !)

HB xx

So there you are Hilary – your message is out there in the ether 🙂

Thank you very much for your inspirational words. As Marianne Williamson says, it’s time to let your light shine.

And everyone reading this, let us all do our bit to make our world even more wonderful.

what a wonderful world - rainbow or shine!