rum baba - my baba!

Food is one of my favourite topics in life. Everyone should be have some major passions in life – one of mine is food. After all food is what sustains us through thick and thin.

Many years ago during my college days I came across this amazing sweet dish called Rum Baba. Life was never the same again. Anytime rum baba was on the menu, I used to have the dessert before the main course.

Being Indian having different courses was strange – we have all our dishes together – the sweets being the perfect antidote to the spicey food. So when confronted with all this western food and different courses, I adopted quickly by having the dessert first and the bland main course second 🙂

Some friends at college were sustained by religion, music, sport – I had my Rum Baba. After college and a few desolate years without my baba, one day I found a supermarket that stocked Rum Baba. I knew then just how Columbus must have felt upon discovering “India”. My friends and family treated me many a time with a solitary rum baba as a surprise and a treat.

Mysteriously, Rum Babas then disappeared from supermarket shelves. Almost at around the same time, I underwent many changes in my own life. More years of isolation and misery followed until very recently when I discoverd that my local and favourite and local coffee shop Richoux supplies Rum Babas!

A special order is required, as long as they are ordered in a batch of four. It is a hard life indeed.

So life is good once again. I have come through some tough years 🙂

Today some people have Sai Baba, others Shiv Baba – I have my Rum Baba.

The question is just what is your true passion in life? What sustains you in your life?

Just what is your Rum Baba?

rum baba - the way to a man's heart!