Kavit looking for more pearls of wisdom in Bali!

Every now and then I come across someone in my life who impresses me enormously and who has a lot to offer to me and others. My friend Kavit Haria is one such person.

I recently took some time out to interview him for my blog as part of my inspirational interviews. And this is what transpired:-

1. We have now know each other for 4 years – I remember the first time I saw you on stage at an event for Young Jains as a mere 16 year old and you had the audience enthralled with your words of wisdom.

You have come a long way since then. Tell us more about the sort of things that you are now involved in.

Thanks for your kind words Arvind, and yes I have come a long way as I can see it within myself – mentally and emotionally as well as spiritually.

Right now, I spend much of my time writing and speaking about success and marketing in the music industry – how musicians can go to the next level, doing their personal best. Ever since high school, “do your personal best” has always been an important slogan to me as it was mentioned in the only high school assembly that sticks out in my head.

As you know, I’m also a pro Tabla player so I spend a lot of time practicing, playing, and experimenting with different genres. It’s a beautiful instrument and can be very therapeutic too. I also teach the Tabla as well as other drums and do this through a banner called Young Drummers where I organize drum courses, camps and tuition. If your readers are interested, they can find more here: https://www.youngdrummers.com (note to arvind: new website coming up here in next 2 weeks)

I’m also involved in the field of genetics training to be a geneticist and hopefully a forensic scientist.

As you can see, I have eggs in many baskets.

2. You are known as the musicians coach. You are indeed recognised as the number one coach for musicians in the UK. What drove you to be that?

For those who are entrepreneurial, you’ll know that finding a niche is an important thing. The music industry as a niche was home to me through my work as a Tabla player, having contacts and knowing it pretty much inside out. All I had to do was start doing my bit for the world and for the industry by teaching what I knew and had learnt about being successful. That’s what drove me to become a musicians coach. As a coach, I don’t teach music. I simply write and speak about what I think is required to be successful in the industry and in 99% of the time, my guidance works. So with raving success stories and a huge interest in my work, I guess I hold my place there.

3. You are one of the UK’s leading tabla player and teacher. How did you get that position. What tips can you offer other aspiring musicians, indeed anyone who wants to excel at something?

There are now many Tabla players in the UK, most come from India where they have been fortunate to have their training, so not sure I would be called a leading tabla player and/or teacher.

Like all things, I’m not sure it’s a position. It’s more an evolving state of being. For me Tabla is my thing that takes me to a whole new world. It’s like learning a new language, riding a bike, or diversifying yourself. It gives you a whole new outlook on life. I look at Tabla as the best technique to deal with your fears and getting over your obstacles. If everyone learnt to play and really appreciated music, life requires nothing else.

With regards to some tips for anyone who wants to excel at something, for me, the answer is simple: you require three ingredients: desire, dedication and perseverance.

Only real desire for something will allow you to excel in something you love. I don’t believe in excelling at something through force and no desire. The next thing is to realise that when you want to excel at something, it’s not going to be plain sailing. For me, it’s a given. It’s just the way the universe works. But what I do know is that my burning desire will allow me to push forward and realise my goal because I will persevere.

4. Tell us more about your latest talk – “Death of the Music Industry” Where are you coming from?

I’m extremely excited about this new talk I’ve put together. I’ve had a few months now of real, focused research into the music business. I set up a few enquiries to look at how possible it really is to get successful and the traditional and modern routes to success that exist. I’ve found some things that are extremely surprising to me. And I feel that musicians need to know this. The faster they know this, and use the loopholes that I have found, the better chances they have to be successful.

So in exposing the music industry, the talk is entitled, “The Death of the Music Industry – How to avoid the funeral and stay alive!” The industry isn’t dead. Don’t mistake that. But if musicians don’t get the knowledge and realise what’s happening, then it will and the funeral will come.

Is that a good enough answer?

5. You are also very interested in helping the world, peace and unity. What do you currently do in these areas? What have you got planned?

Yes, I am. Brought up living in Nigeria I have seen poverty, racism, violence and poor environments, so naturally I am very committed to helping bring about peace and unity as much as possible. Currently, I’m sharing my ideas and work through my writing to as many people as possible.

I believe that music is a big part of the way the world can change and getting people to take notice, just like Live8 and the other concert series has proved. But it’s not consistent. You come together for peace and unity and you don’t keep at it on a regular basis. My work now and in the future rests on bringing these two elements together – how can music continue to bring about peace and unity more consistently? Watch this space.

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What a powerful question. I’m up for having a vision for my future, but I’m not really up for setting long term goals. Our lives are always changing that goal setting should only really be for the immediate 6 to 12 months at a time.

So my vision for the next 5 years is to continue my writing and speaking on a bigger scale. Not only will I write and talk about the music industry, I’ll also be sharing my ideas and work about love, peace and unity.

7. What final words of wisdom can you offer my readers, not just musicians?

I think the most important thing I have learnt this year, so far, is that love is all there is. It may sound basic, but this concept is profound. If you really get this, you will begin to prosper in ways you have never ever dreamed about.

We are all on this planet to do one thing: to give love. Every situation you find yourself in, whether personal, business or anything else, give unconditional love. Feel and be in a state of love for one and all. Be grateful and thankful for all that you are; all that you have learnt and all that you have.

Thanks for the interview Arvind.

Thank you Kavit – keep up the inspirational work. The world needs you.

music marketing success stories from Kavit