the one who loves you the most!

What would it be like to have in your life someone who loved you like no one else ever has?

Someone in whose eyes you can do no wrong.
Someone who worships you and thinks that you are the bee knees.
Someone who loves you just the way you are.
Someone who knows you really well, but still accepts you for what you are.
Someone who doesn’t look at your past failings.
Someone who doesn’t allow you to have guilt feelings from your past.
Someone who approves of you.
Someone in whose presence the world seems so right – you are unstoppable – nothing can stop you.
Someone who makes you feels so special.
Someone who makes you feel like you are floating on air.

Being with this person is so delicious – yummy.

Wouldn’t you like to meet such a person – someone who would sweep you off your feet?

You already have this person in your life -and that is you!

Only you can love yourself the way no one else can.
You are unique – there is no one like you in this world and never will be.

Curl up like a Cheshire Cat and bask in it.

Get ready for the love affair of your life.

Go and have a look in the mirror.

And see the one who loves you like no other!

the one who loves you the most!