Regents Park flowers in the spring

Last week during my regular walk in Regents Park, I came across a gardener who was diligently digging and clearing the ground. In a few weeks time, hundreds of little flower shrubs will be planted in immaculate rows in time for the Spring, which is now only two months away :-).

The ground prepared by the gardener will be ablaze with life and colour just like in the picture above, taken in April 2005.

Despite the slight drizzle, the cold and the impending dusk, this delightful old man was completely lost in his work. I watched him in action for a while – it was wonderful to see someone so engrossed in their work.

In a couple of months’ time, the bushes will have flowered and will bring so much joy and enjoyment to thousands of people who visit Regents Park daily.

I wondered if the gardener truly appreciated just what joy and beauty he was adding to the lives of so many people. He was indeed bringing sunshine to the lives of so many and he gave me another lesson in humility and service.

So here are some questions to ponder as we move towards Spring:-

What can you do today to bring sunshine to the lives of other people?

How does your work directly enhance the lives of the people around you?

How can you make the world a better place today?

Look for ways of giving to others – and you will be bringing a lot of sunshine into their life – and yours.

you are the sunshine of my life!