time to harvest some wisdom!

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone!

As you spend this day of thankfulness and togetherness celebrating with your loved ones, I would like to offer you the collected wisdom from my blogger friends.

They are some of the best known, established and renowned bloggers in the world today. And you are in for a thanksgiving treat.

Now I appreciate that you may not even be celebrating Thanksgiving Day today – if so, then please do take some time out to get present to all the goodness in your life.

This is the fourth in my series of five special posts for thanksgiving week.

Check out the first three posts here:-

Thanksgiving Week Lesson 1 – How To Embrace What You Already Have

Thanksgiving Week Lesson 2 – How To Let Yourself Give and Receive

Thanksgiving Week Lesson 3 – How To Add a Little Sizzle to Your Relationships

To start with, here’s a question I invite you to reflect on:-

What is the greatest gift you can give to the world on this day?

I asked my blogger friends exactly this question and invited them to share their favourite articles from their blogs for today and explain why they had chosen that particular post.

The outcome is that they have a contributed an awesome bounty of wisdom that will stand you in good stead always and not just today.

I am not given to exaggerating, but your life will never be the same again!

Please do bookmark this page and take your time to go through their articles. Reflect on and absorb their wisdom and teachings into your life. And let me know how you get on.

I feel fortunate to know and call all these bloggers my friends; though amazingly from the list below I have only ever met one of them in person – Jennifer Gresham.

I know that this will change over the years to come as I intent to meet to them all:-)

All these bloggers are committed to making a difference and I invite you to explore their work and also subscribe to their blogs.

As I think about these blogger friends, the words that come to my mind are inspirational, caring, passionate and fun.

I am proud and honoured to present to you these pearls from these friends.

Here they are in alphabetical order, except I chose to put Zeenat at the top as with a name beginning with Z, she usually ends up at the bottom:-)



Zeenat Merchant-SyalHow to be YOU no matter what – 7 simple tips

“Being authentically YOU is not always the easiest thing to be and I know this cause I’ve had a hard time in the past just being me until I found out who I was – sharing this article in your thanks giving post is just my way of acknowledging and giving thanks for the uniqueness of each and every beautiful individual.”


Alex Blackwell – The Best Things in Life

“The best things in life aren’t the things we have, but rather who we get to share these things with. The best things in my life are sitting with me on Thanksgiving Day.”


Amit Sodha 10 Magnificient Messages to Spread Across the Globe

“I want to share this article with the world as it encompasses every core belief that you, I and most other people in the world of personal development will hold dear.


Anastasiya Goers Give yourself the gift of Inner Peace

“If there is one thing you can make happen today – let it be a step towards your inner peace. Everything else – happiness, balance, serenity – will sprout from it.”


Andrea DeBell – A Brief Guide to Loving Everyone

“Besides giving thanks, the Thanksgiving holiday is also an opportunity to express love since we’re grateful for the love the Indians showed towards the pilgrims and the love we share with our dear ones.”


Angela ArtemisAlways Keep Your Dreams Alive.

“On Thanksgiving, remember to give thanks for your dreams because whether we realize it or not, dreams fuel our lives; without them there’s no passion and not much point in going on.”

SPECIAL BONUS Article from Angela for thanksgiving – The Amazing Grace of Thanksgiving


Barrie Davenport Make 2011 the year of you

“I chose this post because this season is a time of reflection and preparation for a new beginning, and I want to support readers in making bold, positive changes for 2011.”


Chris Guillebeau The decision to be remarkable

“Because the world is waiting.”


Courtney CarverLessons from love and marriage

“I am most grateful for love and hope my story inspires others to think about the love in their lives.”


Dave Ursillo11 Ways to Pay Daily Alms Without Paying a Dime

“A piece that expands upon the religious rite of alms-giving and turns the idea of giving to very human, spiritual, non-financial ways.”


Dragos RouaWhy Less is More

“Because we really need to focus more on what we have, and less on what we don’t.”


Farnoosh BrockCelebrating 100th post with 100 lessons about life and blogging

“I never thought I’d feel so grateful about blogging and that I would learn so much about life through blogging, so I marked the occasion. Here I share a milestone celebration with my readers and reflect on the 100 lessons I have learned along the way.”


Gail Brenner Unleash Your Generosity Everywhere!

“When we are able to be generous with ourselves, our hearts are full, and we naturally express generosity toward everyone and everything.”


Henri Junttila – How to Enjoy Life

“Thanksgiving is all about enjoying life. Life is about enjoying life, but especially thanksgiving, and sometimes we need to be reminded of the fact that we’re here to do stuff we love”


Jennifer Gresham Don’t Go Down In Fame: 5 Warning Signs You’re Too Ambitious

“When we take time to reflect on what makes us most grateful, we usually credit the people who surround and support us, not the accomplishments we achieved in hopes of impressing them.”


Karol Gajda – How To Stop Having Problems or “The Eighty-Fourth Problem”

“For whatever reason the Holidays, while bringing out the best in people, also bring up a lot of “problems” and “situations.” This article can help.”


Katie Tallo – How to Be A Girl

“I am thankful that I grew up free to go to school, free to choose when I married, free to decide when to have a child — choices some girls don’t have.”


Leo BabautaBreathe

“I think with the busy-ness of the holidays, it’s good to remember to breathe.”


Linda Hewett – Thanks Dad for the Memories

“I was blessed to have my lovely, modest dad and I know he would be touched and surprised that I’ve written about him for all the world to read.”


LisaMonograms and Doc Martens

“I wish for everyone the chance to become friends with their inner goblins, especially those who cannot be defeated.”

Lisa H (RunningBear)Be Grateful for What You Have

“I have selected this article because it is a good reminder for us to be grateful for what we have and to give to others on this day. To me, that is what Thanksgiving is all about.”


Lori Deschene50 things to love about life that are free

“There’s a lot to appreciate in life that doesn’t cost a dime.”


Sandra Lee

Inspiration for exercising your gratitude muscle.”


Satya ColomboOn building a juicy container for getting amazing sh** done + extreme gratitude

“Because it’s juicy and delicious, it has a mouth-watering picture, and it’s the only post I’ve written that mentions making love on a bed of orange blossoms.”


There you are – hearty contributions from bloggers around the world to add that extra zest of wisdom and gratitude to your Thanksgiving Day and indeed any day.

Please do check out their generous contributions to you and me on Thanksgiving Day – and also share their work with the world.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, today and every day.

And a happy life:-)


Please do also check out the first three posts here:-

Thanksgiving Week Lesson 1 – How To Embrace What You Already Have

Thanksgiving Week Lesson 2 – How To Let Yourself Give and Receive

Thanksgiving Week Lesson 3 – How To Add a Little Sizzle to Your Relationships


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I look forward to seeing you here again soon. Thank you for reading! – Arvind
Image courtesy of chimothy27