John Sherry Really Simple GuyWho is the most interesting person you have met recently?

You meet all sorts of people in your daily life.

It’s a fact of life – we can’t do without people in our life, like them or not.

“Some people light up the room when they enter it, others light it up when they leave the room!”

I am not sure who I first heard that from – sounds a bit harsh to me, but we have all met people who do both.

Do people really make the world go around?

Some people really try and impress you, some are impressed by you. But the ones who I remember the most are the ones who are just themselves.

You take such people at face value and they take you at face value – no frills or thrills, no airs and graces.

This morning I had breakfast with such a person. A very simple guy.

An authentic guy. Indeed, an authentically simple guy.

Someone who is indeed very simple – and even writes about it. So simple, I sometimes even forget his name or what he looks like.

You have probably heard of simple Simon from your childhood days – now you are going to hear a lot more about simple John.

I first met John Sherry two years ago when he invited me to speak at his Inspiration Club in Coventry, which happens to me my home town as well as his.

Since then we have become friends and as John was visiting London today for a meeting, we met for breakfast early in the morning in my garden.

Of course it was a simple breakfast, followed with simple conversation about simple things.

Every thing about John and around John is really simple. So this blog post is also going to be simple.

I wonder how many times I have said simple so far – oops, there’s another one!

So what’s the main takeaway for you from this simple post? It’s simply this:-

We make life unnecessarily complicated.

As Johns says on his blog:-

Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated” – Confucius

Life really is simple – so why complicate it?

On that note, please add below, what one simple thing you will do today to make your life more simple?

And be sure to keep your comments simple – so simple, that even simple John would approve:-)