snowmen connecting with each other

I only launched my blog on this website on 1st Jan 2007 – and already it is proving to be very powerful in connecting people.

Today I heard from a long lost friend Amit after he found my blog through another friend.

It is six years since our paths crossed and during that time Amit has already trained as a life coach and has a smilar outlook as me. Check out his blog here

Thank you Amit for getting in touch – please continue to spread your light.

And I look forward to many more connections with new and old friends in this amazing bloggosphere world 🙂

Here’s a thought for you – who would you like to reconnect with from YOUR past – say from six years back? Or even someone that you have lost touch with in the last year. Someone you care about but have neglected due to the demands of everyday life.

Just over a year ago, I had my own wake up call when a good friend’s wife suddenly passed away at the age of 51. This happened only a few days after a telephone conversation when she virtually pleaded with me to go over for dinner the same day with her family and 10-year old daughter. I gave her the excuse of being too “busy”.

I never spoke to her again.

I share this story and message with permission from my distraught friend. The clear message for all of us is to make time for your loved ones TODAY. Give up being “busy” before it is too late.

Who can you make time for today in your life?

Remember that life is too short – you just don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Call that long neglected friend or relative TODAY.

Make their day – and yours too.

And do let me know how you get on. What was it like to connect with them again? How did it feel? What did they say? What new treasured memories will you create together?

I look forward to reading your comments.