food, glorious food!

I recently attended a seminar on healthy eating by my friend Peter Pure.
Yes, that is his real name ๐Ÿ™‚

Peter’s teachings have prompted me to finally go on a long awaited detoxing programme. So for the rest of this week, I will be thriving on fresh apple juice only.

Though I have had a fairly healthy diet and life style for the last few years, I am eagerly looking forward to the next few days.

As Peter said, there are two simple tips for healthy eating:-

1. Detox and get rid of all the toxins from your body.

2. Keep the body clean by only eating healthy food.

Sounds easy doesn’t it?! But we all have to start somewhere. Partly it is about your values – just how important are health and fitness to you?

By removing as much toxicity as possible from our body, we give it a chance to absorb much more nutrients. The body then gets a chance to either assimilate or elminate food as appropriate.

Our blood shows the level of our health – it is called the river of life for a good reason, but for many people today, it has become a river of filth. And the way to begin changing it is to first clear out the debris from years of incorrect eating.

So as this week unfolds, I look forward to letting go of lots of accumulated toxins and starting fresh. Of course it is an ongoing process and I guess after this week, in future I will be even more careful and choosey about just what I eat.

What can you stop or start eating from this week?

Even better why not join me and go on a detox diet too. Today is as good a day as any ๐Ÿ™‚