Spring time delights!

Here in the UK, believe it or now, spring is only two months away. Whilst we shudder in the middle of our coldest spell this winter, warmer weather may seem a long time in coming but be assured that it will.

Traditionally, spring is the time when people think of freshening up their homes, clearing out old things and getting ready for the warmer and longer days ahead.

Getting rid of all those things that no longer support you is the first step to getting the life you really want.

Clutter to most people is normally those physical things that you have kept over from many years thinking one day you may find a use for it.

However it is a lot more than that, and includes relationships, time commitments and other things that unnecessarily take up a lot of your energy.

As we spend more time indoors over the coming weeks, why not begin yor clutter clearing now? You do not have to wait till spring.

Over the last few weeks, I personally have explored each and every nook and cranny of my home for things no longer wanted, and last winter I even had a feng shui friend come around to give my home her seal of approval.

Though it may seem harsh, I have also let go of many acquaintances over the last year and made space for new friends and contacts.

So ask yourself what you need to let go over the coming weeks.

What clutter are you still holding on to?

What emotional baggage are you now ready to let go?

Is there a friendship or relationship in your life that has gone beyond its use by date? And are there any other commitments that you can stop making?

Once you let go of all these things, you will have created space for new fresh things to come into your life.

Time to move on ….and create new things in your life.

Time to let go …