Gandhi on a peace marchToday, September 21st is International Peace Day.

Check out Peace One Day to learn more about the day.

It is inspiring how the vision of one man a few years has created this international peace day. On this website you can also make your commitment to what you will do today for peace.

In theory, there should be no fighting going on today, but we all know that in practice there will be the usual killings etc in war zones around the world.

But today is really for us to take a step back and look at our own lives and see where and how we can bring more peace on an ongoing basis.

Ultimately, if we bring peace all around us then it can spread from there.

What grievance can you let go?

Whom can you forgive?

What toxic or negative habit can you let go of?

This is not to say that you let others trod all over – it is also about respecting your own needs and boundaries and creating your life as best you want it to be.

At the same time, searching for peace is also not about becoming a tree hugging hippy. Though there is nothing wrong with this, and each to their own path, the majority of the people in the world just want to live “normal” fulfilling, happy lives in peace with enough for their daily needs.

So the question to ask yourself on this momentous day of peace is how can I bring more peace into my life today?

To help you get started, reflect on these following questions and apply in your life:-

What will YOU do today to bring more peace into the world?

What will you NOT do?

What peace habit will you apply EVERY day?

WHO will you forgive and let go?

What or who will you STOP trying to control?

Reflect on the answers to these questions. You may also want to come up with your own questions and reflections.

And remember that it is not just about bringing peace in the world today – it has to be an everyday, life long practice.