awesome courage, lofty hopes, justice will prevail

We are right now living through a major turning point in history. As we all anxiously watch and await the unfolding events in Burma, I feel that the world will never be the same again. With the advent of the internet, video technology and email, it will be virtually impossible for a military government to continue to subjugate the whole of a country’s population.

As the events over the next few days will prove, the people of Burma will prevail. The only hope is that there is little bloodshed and that the world supports and rallies around a people who have been terrorised and controlled for far too long.

I do wonder though why it has taken so long for the world to wake up to this situation – no doubt there are various political agendas and overtures as usual behind the scenes.

It has been amazing the see the courage and determination of the Burmese monks and the extra-ordinary people standing up to the army

We all have to do our bit as every little bit helps. The little things can make the biggest difference.

You can do your bit by signing up your support for the people of Burma at Avaaz

“Avaaz” literally means voice in many Asian and Middle Eastern languages, and it is time for us all to add our voice to global and local events.

Social justice will indeed prevail in Burma – please do your bit to make it happen.