a fun day for young and old!

Are you a party animal or do you prefer to be somewhere quiet on your own?

And do you like bringing people together or do you leave it to others?

On this Sunday, 22nd Aug, I am once again holding my annual picnic for friends and their friends.

This will be the 9th consecutive year I am holding this event and what began as a simple idea has now become an annual event that people in and around London look forward to.

The idea is simply to get a lot of friends and their friends together.

I invite all my friends and they invite all their friends and they invite their friends and so on……and before we know, there will be 100’s of friends, new and old, coming together in a spirit of fun, unity and playfulness.

Everyone brings their own food and drinks plus some extra to share. We then also play games, frisbee, hula hoops etc. And of course children are most welcome.

I even say to people that if they don’t have any children they should borrow some for the day!

We also have African drumming accompanied by other musical instruments.

Last year we had almost 300 people on a gloriously sunny day and ever year it gets bigger – check out the photos from my Facebook profile.

And if you are able to come this year, then also check out the Facebook event page.

How it all began

Regular readers will know how passionate I am to bring people together and create peace and harmony. And that’s how this event first started – my own little way of bringing unity in my community in a fun way.

It all started 8 years ago when I thought it would be a great way of meeting all my friends in one place and also for them to invite their friends too.

Soon the event developed to such a level that I met people who were 4 degrees of separation from me.

Also mutual friends came to the picnic independently of each other only to discover that they had common friends!

I also learnt that perhaps in the world of the internet and social media, perhaps we are no longer separated by the fabled six degrees of separation – it is probably more like five or even less.

Due to the temperamental nature of the British summer, some years we have had a scorching day and other years’ torrential rain. One year we even had a spectacular thunderstorm.

Yet I always get a great turnout – it’s clear that people like to meet new people in a nice, relaxed setting where that can simply chill out in a park or play games as they wish.

Over the years, I have made some incredible connections and it is amazing what can come from meeting someone one briefly.

Bring your own friends together for a picnic.

It’s easy to bring people together – and people love to meet new like-minded people. Or even not so like-minded.

So if you are not able to attend the picnic this year, why not organise your own?

No matter where you are in the world, it will be a great way to bring together friends, old and new.

It doesn’t have to be this weekend – it can be anytime, and of course anywhere in the world.

The idea is simply to get a lot of friends and their friends together. And to have a really good time. Chances are that you will get together a multi-cultural group from all ages and social backgrounds.

So invite all your friends and ask them to invite all their friends and they invite their friends and so on……and before you know it, there will be 100?s of friends, new and old, having a lot of fun.

Here are my simple tips to hold your own “Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic” (or party):-

1. Choose a date.

2. Choose a venue. Make sure it is large enough to hold the number of people you expect to come.

Tell people that the picnic will go ahead no matter what the weather. If it’s winter where you are, then hold an indoor picnic!

3. Create a theme for the picnic – such as “Friendship, Fun and Hope”,

4. Invite everyone to bring their own food and drinks plus some extra to share. Arrange some games and sports if the venue permits this.

5. Insist that people bring their children. If they don’t have any, ask them to borrow some for the day!

6. Choose an unusual theme or activity such as African drumming and singing. Invite people to bring along any musical instrument they would like to play.

7. Also invite people to come and share some of their unique skills such as dancing, juggling etc.

8. Be prepared to have a lot of fun!


As I said, bringing people together is really a picnic!

Footnote for next year:-

The 10th Annual Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic will be held on Sunday 7th August 2011, which is “International Friendship Day”.

Please put that in your dairy today:-)