Eyes forever

Have you ever felt lost and frustrated because something had messed up your routine?

Well if so,  you will know just how I have been feeling for the last few days.

I have had a very frustrating few days when I couldn’t get into my blog’s dashboard to publish my next post.

A technical problem meant that some files got corrupted and it then took 3 days for it all to be resolved, thanks to help from DreamHost and my friend Satish.

Have you ever gone through a time when nothing seems to go right and you just wish you had stayed in bed all day? I know I am labouring my point here now, but I wish I had done just that.

I missed being able to access my blog and it was as if I had lost a long lost friend.  And this morning after getting the blog sorted, I felt I could kick-start my life again.

I realise more than ever just how important this blog is to me and why it is a key medium for sharing my message.

But what was really going on here? Why did it feel like my life had stopped? The key was I allowed this downtime to frustrate me to such an extent that my energy got drained.

So today I began to draft this post and there I was sitting in the shared business lounge where I occasionally work from.

Someone passed by me, looking very puzzled and a bit lost. I asked if he was okay and he said there were no glasses at the drinks station.

I pointed out to him how the drinking glasses were neatly stacked right in front of us on a shelf at eye level!

Instead of looking up, he had been looking down and searching for the glasses near the hot water kettle. All he had to do was to look up and find the answer to his search.

Even though this gentleman was not wearing any glasses, he simply had to look ahead and clearly what he was looking for was just there.

In the same way, so often your answers are there literally in your face.

For me, in hindsight it’s obvious that my blog downtime was actually a blessing in disguise and it was an opportunity to focus on other work and take stock of my writing style.

In your life too, what’s so obvious and yet you are not seeing?

Here’s a challenge for you today. Take just one area of your life in which you are currently facing a challenge. Or choose an area of your life that you wish to review. It doesn’t even have to be anything major either.

Then look at this from a different perspective. If the answer was right in front of you, what would it be?

Let me explain further – when I am coaching a client and they say “I don’t know”, I sometimes ask them what would the answer be, if they did know?

This usually draws on a lot of the client’s subconscious mind and usually draws out quite creative answers.

In the same way, your answer could be facing you – you just have to ask yourself what it is.

And next time you are looking for some answers, just slow down and look ahead. What you seek is right in front of you.

You don’t even need to look through “rose tinted” glasses – meaning that just see things as they are – no need for embellishment.

Cheers! Ching, Ching.

Image courtesy of Patrick Hoesly