eager to learn

Later this week, I will be delivering some workshops to around 300 pupils at my old school, over 20 years after leaving.

In all those years, everything I have achieved and experienced, both in my personal and professional life, has its foundation in the few years I spent at this school.

So it is quite a privilege and an honour to be invited to speak to so many young people about to leave school and make their own way in life.

Whilst preparing for my workshop, as I put together my story, I realised that the best thing I could share with them would be some of the lessons life has taught me.

Here are my 10 life lessons in no particular order:-

1. Always have integrity with yourself and others. Be your word. Do what you say you will – and own up when you don’t.

2. Live with an attitude of gratitude to bring so much more goodness back into your life. We live in a truly abundant world – there is more than enough for all of us.

3. Your life counts and it is up to you to make it count. This life is not a rehearsal – so make the most of it.

4. People are so amazing and never cease to surprise with their capacity for goodness – always give them the benefit of the doubt and know that they are doing the best they can.

5. There is so much beauty all around us it takes your breathe away. You just have to see things through new eyes.

6. The most fulfilling life is one of service and contribution – give, give and give to receive.

7. Take total self care – this body is for life and the only one we will have.

8. Always be optimistic and adopt a positive attitude – things are never as bad as they may seem.

9. Learn to forgive and let go – this is the key for making all relationships loving.

10. Be childlike in your approach to life. Live with joy – laugh a lot, be light hearted and happy.

If you were invited back to your old school, what lessons would you share?