Help Me Help More Brave, Sick Children Like Maddison

Help Me Help More Brave, Sick Children Like Maddison

Happy Friday everyone! It’s finally spring time in London – and that means it’s time once again for the London Marathon :-).  Do you get deeply moved by stories of brave, sick children? And then are you moved to help them in some way?...
How to Master the Art of Saying Thank You

How to Master the Art of Saying Thank You

Do you say “thank you” like you mean it or do you just say it casually and almost apologetically? And when you thank someone, just how appreciative are you really being? Today, 11th January 2017 is International Thank You Day! So firstly, thank you for...
101 Ways to Make It Happen and Rock your World

101 Ways to Make It Happen and Rock your World

How is your life going?  What’s missing in your life? And what are you doing about it? If you are like most people, you are having another day of challenges, deadlines and being overwhelmed. Or worse still, you are having another day of boredom. And despair....
Why It Makes Sense to do Good Every Day

Why It Makes Sense to do Good Every Day

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone! Wherever you are in the word today, I wish you all the best for today even if you are not celebrating this tradition of thanks giving marked in so many countries and cultures around the wold. I love the idea of having a special day of...
The #1 Secret to Get Ultimate Happiness in Your Life

The #1 Secret to Get Ultimate Happiness in Your Life

Happy International Happiness Day everyone! So just how happy are you in your life? And just how much happiness is there around you? Today is the day decreed by the UN for universal happiness and this is the second year of this day happening. So to start with, here...