Happy Father’s Day – and FREE Kindle Books to Celebrate!

Happy Father’s Day – and FREE Kindle Books to Celebrate!

Are you celebrating Father’s Day this weekend?  Most of the western world celebrates Father’s Day on Sunday 16th June, whereas other countries and cultures celebrate such a day at different times of the year. Initially I found the concept of having a...
101 Ways to Live Cleaner and Greener for Free – Book Interview

101 Ways to Live Cleaner and Greener for Free – Book Interview

How clean and green is your life? Are you aware of the concept of “Green Living”? Do you even have any awareness of your impact on the environment around you? Every now and then, I meet someone who is just so passionate about what they believe in and what...
How to be Outrageous and Change your Life For Ever!

How to be Outrageous and Change your Life For Ever!

When was the last time you were truly outrageous!? Indeed when was the last time you really let your hair down and you had some fun? Next time you are on a train or a bus, just look at the people around you. I bet you will see some really serious faces, especially if...
Why Love is all That Matters Beyond 21.12.12

Why Love is all That Matters Beyond 21.12.12

Did you know that the world is supposed to end today!? Unless you have been living in a cave, you have known by now about all the hype about the world ending today. Hollywood made a blockbuster movie about 2012, very imaginatively called 2012 and even the BBC got in...