Powerful Lessons in Leadership and Life from a 95 Year Old Man

Powerful Lessons in Leadership and Life from a 95 Year Old Man

There is a man celebrating his 95th birthday today in a hospital in South Africa. But it is not just any man. It is indeed Mr Nelson Mandela, the man who cleared his country and the world of apartheid and also united his country without the much feared bloodbath....
Meet My Hero Muhammad Yunus – Creating a World Without Poverty

Meet My Hero Muhammad Yunus – Creating a World Without Poverty

Last Saturday I was lucky enough to hear live a lecture by Professor Muhammad Yunus at the wonderful St James Church in Piccadilly London. Professor Yunus was honoured and recognised for this life changing work amongst the poor of Bangladesh with the Nobel Peace Prize...
Why Gandhi’s Message is as Relevant Today as 60 Years Ago

Why Gandhi’s Message is as Relevant Today as 60 Years Ago

It is 60 years ago today since Gandhi was assassinated. What would the world be like if he was around today? Check out this video to see how he would have spread his message using the Internet! Turn up your speakers, sit back and enjoy. Gandhi may not be around but 6o...
Heartfelt Lessons in Compassion from My Late Father

Heartfelt Lessons in Compassion from My Late Father

Just over a month ago, my father suddenly passed away after a short bout of flu and a chest infection. The time since then has been rather tender and yet surreal as we come to terms with our great loss. It seems only yesterday that I wrote about Father’s Day and how...
What would Mother Teresa say About the Last 10 Years?

What would Mother Teresa say About the Last 10 Years?

It is ten years today since Mother Teresa passed away amongst her favourite people – the dying and destitute of Calcutta. As she passed away the same week as Princess Diana, it seemed at the time that her passing away was hardly noticed. Yet, here was an amazing...
Follow your Dream Always No Matter What

Follow your Dream Always No Matter What

Many years ago a friend sent me a card with a wonderful poem which I still treasure to this day. It is posted on the office wall next to my computer and serves everyday to remind me to follow my dream:- If while pursuing distant dreams your bright hopes turn to grey...