food, glorious food!

I am back with my article for Friday and as one of my regular readers has already pointed out, I missed the article on Tuesday.

Well, the reason for that is I chose to take some time out for a green apple juice detox.

I have been carrying out this apple detox regularly now and it always leaves me energised and ready to take on the world. It gives my digestive system an almost complete rest for a few days.

What I have also enjoyed is the simplicity of my “meals” – I am not expending any time or energy on deciding what to eat, how to prepare it etc. The long term benefits will be considerable too as over the next few days my body detoxes and gets cleaned up.

Amazingly having had no whole food for 4 days, I have more energy and focus than I have had for a long time! Weighing myself this morning, I am 6 lbs lighter than I was 5 days ago.

Also, it seems as part of the detox I have let go of many other things. Such a detox makes one aware of all those foods and things in our life we just do not need.

We all eat so many things that we do not need or which we eat just for the sake of it. In the same way, we all do and have things in our life which we don’t need and are not necessary for us in the bigger scheme of life.

For example, today I finally let go of an opportunity to train for the London marathon next year for the next 11 months with a running coach. Though it didn’t feel right for me, I had been holding on saying no until today.

I guess it all comes back to listening to our intuition and our body and going with that.

We can all clear out the clutter from other areas of our life and like me, you can literally start a new week afresh.

On the eating front, the key is to note how you feel after a meal – does the body feel vibrant or does it feel lethargic and tired?

So the key learnings for me to share from my apple detox is that such a detox helps to:-

1. Clear out the body and your mind.

2. Let go of many things now unwanted or no longer relevant.

3. Get clearer focus and new energy.

4. Start eating food which is better for you.

So there we are – if you really want to start making it happen in your life, start with your body and begin to let go of things by detoxing.

Your body is for life – and the best time to start looking after your body is today .

Your body is your temple – start treating it as sacred from today.

Finally a couple of events I am organising – a charity cabaret evening on Saturday 27th June to support Nirvana School and Shivia .

Contact me direct to find out more.

And the annual Friends and Friend’s Friends picnic will this year be on Sunday 12th July in the usual place, Regents Park, central London. I hope to see you all there.

nirvana school children