Get the Life you Love and Live it

Incredibly it is now already March. How quickly the time is going already in 2008!

As I write this, I am looking out on onto a beautifully sunny day – spring is certainly in the air.

To mark the new season of hope and fresh beginnings, I am running a special offer for my book “Get the Life you Love and Live it” – you only pay what you like, plus postage and packing.

The book usually retails for Β£9.99 plus postage, but you can now get it for whatever price you wish to pay plus postage, anywhere in the world. You simply pay what you feel the book is worth to you.

So why am I making this offer?

I feel I am now back in the swing of things after a few months of rest, reflection and recuperation and it is time to celebrate life with renewed vigour and energy. This is my way of giving something back to the people out there who have been so supportive of me over the last few difficult months.

Also, I really believe in the value my book offers, and I want to spread my message and work as widely as possible. My intention is that a lot of people will benefit from this book – and will also get it for their family and friends.

I feel that the pay what you like offer will encourage even more people to buy the book.

And please do help me to spread the word!