Just how healthy and fit are you?

Are you energised, full of vitality and youthful? Or are you over-weight, drained and getting old before your time?

To create a big and bold life for yourself, you need to be in optimum health and to eat the most nutritious foods. Just as important is to regularly detox your body and to rest your digestive system.

Let food be your medicine and medicine your food.” – Hippocrates

Today I am delighted to interview my friend Farnoosh Brock who blogs at Prolific Living about her new “Green Juicing Guide

Farnoosh’s new product is a very comprehensive “Guide to Green Juicing”, and it also comes with a bonus – “Your Juice Fast Guide”, which takes you through a 5 day juice fast.

Whilst speaking to Farnoosh last week, I suggested that we should try out her 5 day juice fast together. She didn’t hesitate and took up the gauntlet – and so here I am, already on the first day of my “fast”.

Updated  29th Feb – Here in the UK, we are lucky that we have access to the National Health Service (NHS) – and despite any bad press, I do believe that it’s still one of the best in the world.  I know how in the rest of the world, so many people have to take out private health insurance.

One way of insuring good health to start with is through your nutrition and a good diet. And it all begins with getting your body in good order in the first place through fasting.

I’ll write another post in 5 days time about my experience of this fast – but in the mean time, here’s Farnoosh:-

1. So Farnoosh, here we are about to start this juice fast together. Tell us more about how you got into this way of healthy eating and why juicing?

Arvind, I got into green juicing in a fleeting moment – it was so sudden!

4:30am, I was watching an infomercial by the wonderful Jack Lalanne, and I was intrigued beyond control.

I am in love with fruits and vegetables so it was a natural next step to explore them in a different state, beyond cooked, baked or salad state!

Then I found out how delicious and refreshing and beneficial green juicing is so it became a part of my life.

I have done lots of other things: vegan diet, raw food challenges, vegetarian diet, green smoothies but there is something about green juicing that is pure, simple, and phenomenally good for the body, mind, skin and heart.

You’ll see. You’re doing a juice feast with me now!

2. Why GREEN juicing?

Well, let me first define it: a green juice doesn’t mean all the juices we make are from green vegetables. It means that you have some vegetables in the mix.

Ideally, yes, a green juice is green and mainly vegetables but a beet-carrot-ginger juice is also a green juice to me.

Green means vegetable. And the reason I focus on green, although I do have fruit juices as well, is because of the low to almost-zero sugar content, lower acid content and the higher nutrient and antioxidant content of most vegetables compared to fruits.

I really think vegetables, in raw form or juice form, in a reasonably good to large quantity, can be your salvation and your return to health.

3. You look so healthy and fit in your videos and photos. Do you really need to do juicing? Or maybe the juicing came first?

Can all my readers end up being as vital, healthy and full of life as you? What about me? Can I!?

Let me address all of these wonderful questions.

First, I don’t *need* to do juicing, no. I enjoy it immensely and I love what it does to my body and mind.

The reason I look fit and healthy is my holistic lifestyle, from yoga and exercise to taking care of my body and skin and eating well and avoiding alcohol and stress and even toxic relationships and environments.

It’s not one thing that makes for a healthy body and mind and it is a good thing to pay attention to everything going on in your life when you take the journey toward your best health.

Your vitality lies in many areas and you can revive it and take it back with some very simple steps.

Juicing has had tremendous effects on my body.

I really believe that juicing combined with my Oolong and green tea habits have made my digestive system more robust than it ever was in my early 20s!

And juicing can be for everyone; you just have to know what you are doing and how to get started and I outline all of this step-by-step in my Green Juicing Guide.

All your readers, my readers and everyone can be full of vitality and health if they first set the intention to do so and then take tiny steps – not even large ones but small tiny ones – to get there.

You are included in this category, naturally:-).

4. What precautions should we take if any before starting on your juice fast?

Great question! I am so glad you asked because you really do need to be careful.

You need to try to eat very well even before you start the juice fast, ideally, go on a raw-food diet or a vegetarian diet before your fast for a few days and just eat fruits and vegetables the day before the fast.

You need to do it at a time where your social and work life is not very intense and at a time when you can give yourself some quiet time for reflection and meditation.

You also need to carefully monitor yourself and make sure you are staying rested and have the chance to rest when you need it.

If you are interested in more, I outline every single step of the juice fast in the bonus guide that comes with the “Green Juicing Guide” and share with you my lessons from my 5-day juice fast.

Both guides come in PDF version, Amazon Kindle version and ePub version i.e. you get all 3 versions in this package and you can use any version that suits you best.

Also, this is a comprehensive step-by-step guide that teaches you all you need to know about green juicing.

It assumes no previous knowledge on your part, so that’s why it covers all the basics and the essentials as you embark on your juicing adventure.

And it answers all the questions you have, including the ones that you may be hesitant to ask!

Plus, you also get an audio product –  “Motivation Track for Your Juicing Journey” in MP3 version that works with all digital audio players.

5. I personally prefer to see this as a juice feast, not fast, as I will be feasting on all sorts of raw, living foods.

I find this is an empowering way of looking at it without any negative impressions of having to suffer or starve myself. What do you think?

A beautiful way to look at it, Arvind!

Just look at all the amazing colours of fruits and vegetables that your body will consume.

It’s also good to take a break from eating once in a while, to let our bodies rest, to let our digestive systems go into hibernation, I like to think of it, and prepare for the next phase of eating. It is a great way to cleanse and also to enjoy delicious drinks.

Regarding the starvation part, you know, I was worried sick about that first time I fasted.

It was a fascinating discovery how after a few pangs of hunger, my hunger went away and I entered into this quiet blissful state with clarity and energy and yet extreme peace and calm.

I think that’s what I crave this time more than anything and definitely, more than any food. Let’s see how we get on, shall we?

6. So detox diva, what’s next for you?

Well, this is supposed to be an extremely productive week for me, with my hubby gone and me all to myself.

I plan to finish working on the Smart Exit Blueprint course and to put together some great things for Prolific Living in 2012.

I will also read a lot, meditate and do yoga and spend time reflecting on the beauty of life and the immense gratitude that I need to remember constantly.

In other words, I will be very busy!

7. Thanks Farnoosh for your inspiration! Any final words re your juicing?

First a huge thank you for doing the juice feast with me and also for showcasing Prolific Living on your wonderful space here, Arvind.

Also a few words to encourage you, the wonderful reader, at juicing or any other health change or challenge, please believe that you are no different than anyone else.

You just need to set an intention that you will make a change and then take care of the rest, which is mainly detail. Your intentions and promises to yourself, those are extremely powerful.

You can do anything you set your mind to.

That old cliché rings true every day if only you let it.

Here’s to your vibrant health!

Footnote:- Check out Farnoosh’s Green Juicing Guide today and also her inspirational blog Prolific Living.

My Coaching Offer:-

I am now opening up my coaching practice for more clients – please contact me for an initial discussion.

My commitment is to walk with you in 2012 and give you everything I have to help you find your greatness, and to help you make the world a better place at the same time.

You only have one life – are you ready to make yours BIG?