ali's rose

It is a cliché but you just don’t know what is around the corner for you.

As I write this, an uncle is in hospital in intensive care recovering from a major operation. Just before Christmas, he suddenly blacked out and a brain tumour was soon diagnosed.

Luckily, the tumour was in a place that was relatively easy to operate and all being well, he will soon make a full and complete recovery. However the whole family has been shaken by this and we anxiously await his return home and to full health.

The lesson for all of us is that we cannot take any thing for granted and your life can change in a second. My uncle, once he recovered from the blackout, found himself on a hospital bed with no recollection of what had happened.

Whilst various tests were done to identify the cause of the blackout, his life changed dramatically. For a start, he was not allowed to drive anymore as he counted down the days to the operation. He also got used to my aunt and my cousin, his daughter, suddenly fussing over him more than ever before.

The tumour has impacted everyone in powerful ways. Over the last few weeks, we have visited and been in contact with my uncle more than ever before. As a family we have become closer and there is a new level of communications between us all. But it took a tumour to bring us closer to my uncle.

Today, knowing that he was having surgery reminded me of that day many years ago when he was introduced to us youngsters as my aunt’s fiancé. And then I realised that since that time, I had hardly got to know him as a person and indeed had not seen him for almost two years until recently.

It is another wake up call for me and all of us that life is too short. We have to make the most of this moment and also appreciate all the people in our life. Our busy lives and personal agendas make us forget the one thing that really matters and is most important in our lives – people.

Also, so often we have family disputes and misunderstandings that prevent us from making the time for each other. However it is during times like today that you remember the futility of such petty disputes.

At the end of the day, it is the love for each other that bonds us. This leads to some pertinent questions for all of us:-

  1. Who can you contact today and make up?
    Who can you forgive and move on?
    Who can you call right now and reconnect with?

In the all time classic film “Love Story“, the movie ends with the phrase “Love means never having to say sorry“.

However for me today, love means never having regrets about special moments not shared together.

Life is indeed too short. I am reminded about a quote from Shore Slocum, a great teacher, and a mentor of mine:-

“The love you fail to share is the only pain you live with right now in your life”
