Thanks for Joining the Make It Happen Community!

Dear friend,

Thanks for signing up to my newsletter and joining me on my Make It Happen mission!

Welcome – and let’s together make it happen for a better you and a better world.

To get you started, you’ll shortly receive an email with the Make It Happen manifesto is attached. I have just revised and rewritten this with lots of probing questions to get you out of your comfort zone.

You’ll also get a link to download the first 5 chapters of my best selling book “Get the Life you Love“. To save you from waiting any further, you can also download it from the link below:-


Enjoy the book and let me know what you think of it.

You’ll now also get my blog updates – every article delivered to your inbox by e-mail, so you will never miss out. I intend to write at least 1 article each week.

Finally as a member of my Make It Happen tribe, you’ll be automatically entered into a monthly draw for a 1-hour Make It Happen Brainstorming Session (over Skype.

In these powerful and life-changing sessions, we will work on any area of your life which you want to shake up and take at least ten levels higher! And as long as you stay subscribed, you’ll continue to be eligible for the monthly draw.

Thanks again – and here’s to a long lasting friendship and a wonderful world changing journey together.

Big love


PS If you are receiving this at a Gmail email address, then be sure to mark my email as one for your Primary tab. This way, you’ll continue to receive my newsletter, free call invitations, event announcements, resources, etc.

The fix is SIMPLE and takes only a few seconds:-

  1. In Gmail, click on the Promotions tab.
  2. Click and drag an email from Arvind Devalia over to the Primary tab.
  3. You will be asked if you want to “Do this for all future messages.”  Click “Yes.”


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