soaraway into the sun!

I have today had another example of the power of commitment and of having around you people who will support you and who also want you to succeed.

I have been hesitant with my blogging for sometime now and a good friend Kavit Haria has been encouraging me to just start writing. Kavit recognised in me this desire for perfection which was manifesting as procrastination.

Earlier today I was communicating with Kavit and thanking him for re-connecting me via his blog, with a friend I last contacted six years ago. Kavit once again outlined the power of blogging, and how I must keep it up.

In a moment of inspiration or perhaps madness, I committed to Kavit to post 100 blogs by the end of January 2007 – or I would donate £1,000 to a charity of his choice.

And Kavit promptly told the whole world of my commitment via his blog!

So here I am, it is 11th January and I am still 95 more blog posts away before I send him a cheque for £1,000.

But guess what, I am now certain to have blogged 100 posts by 31st Jan.

There will be no losers in this challenge. We all win!

Thank you very much Kavit for holding me accountable.

There are two lessons in all of this:-

1. Go for a big, stretching goal that inspires you.

2. Make yourself accountable to someone who wants you to succeed as much as you do.

So as we progress through the first month of 2007, what big, stretching goals can you set for yourself ? And who can you make yourself accountable to?

I look forward to hearing about your goals and your successes.