supermarkets are sometimes junk food markets!

Do you eat healthy food or do you mostly eat junk food?

I went food shopping in my local Tesco store and as it was just after school leaving time, there were a few children also in the store.

I couldn’t help noticing what they were all buying and it was interesting to see how few of them were buying any foodstuffs that would be considered “healthy”. They were buying a range of sweets (candy), chocolate, fizzy drinks and salty snacks such as crisps.

I guess when I was their age, I used to do the same. However times have changed and people are much more aware of what foods are good for you and what are not.

Looking at that list there is little or no real food or nutrients at all. It is hardly surprising then that children are getting serious illnesses at a very young age.

As we approach the end of 2007 and begin to look at our goals for 2008, health should be our number one priority. It may be a cliche but health is indeed our wealth as without good health it becomes harder to enjoy the goodness that the world offers.

Make it a priority to review what you eat from now onwards.

What food can you cut out or cut down on from today?

So what junk food will you give up before the end of this year?