time to soar!

It has been a long time since I posted on here. It is already October and it is amazing how quickly this year has been going by.

My blog is my chosen home page and it has been painful for me every time I opened my web browser to see the same post from July staring back at me. Okay it was Nelson Mandela but still!

So what has happened and what is next?

I have so often written about how it was time to make things happen

However, I have learnt over the last few months that sometimes you just have to let things happen in their own time. One cannot keep making things happen if you are simply not ready for it.

That is the space I have been in and it has been surreal to say the least. I love writing and yet I just could not get the inspiration or the desire to start blogging again.

I realised that amongst other things I still had a lot of grief to go through after the sudden and untimely death of my father last December. This also brought up the sadness from previous losses and it was full on!

But sooner or later, I knew that one day I will get back my old boundless energy and sparkle for life. And that time is now.

During the last 3 months I have been busy with spending time with family and even had a family holiday in Atlanta, USA during August.

As always, what has been amazing and so heartwarming has been the support from family, friends, and strangers. One day I shall write a post just about the messages of hope, kindness, love and sympathy that I have received.

I have also finished off my book “Personal Social Responsibility” and launched its accompanying website at www.PersonalSocialResponsibility.com.

It feels great to be back – it really is time to blossom again, a time to soar like a condor

This reminds me of something a I heard a few years ago titled – “Come to the Edge”:-

“come to the edge,” he said.

they said, “we are afraid.”

“come to the edge, he said.

they came.

he pushed them,

and they flew.

So time indeed to fly.

We all need a push now and then – I have been pushed in the gentlest way possible.

What will help push you?!