5 Key Lessons in Simplicity from Gandhi the Ultimate Minimalist

5 Key Lessons in Simplicity from Gandhi the Ultimate Minimalist

Are you a minimalist – or are you a die-hard hoarder? Do you go through life tumbling over your belongings and with your head full of things to do? If so, then it’s time for you to learn some lessons in leading a simple life from the ultimate minimalist!...
How to Create an Effortless Life  – Effortlessly

How to Create an Effortless Life – Effortlessly

Just how effortless is your life? Do you live a life of flow and ease? Or is everyday for you full of stress and pressure? Imagine what your life would be like if you could spend each day in contentment and mindfulness. A day in which you only do those things you...
Focus – A Simplicity Manifesto from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits

Focus – A Simplicity Manifesto from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits

Just how focussed are you? Do you target all your energies on the task at hand, or do you find yourself distracted umpteen times? Imagine what your life would be like if you were to get much more focussed in all areas of your life. If like most people you get easily...
The Day I Had Breakfast With a Really Simple Man

The Day I Had Breakfast With a Really Simple Man

Who is the most interesting person you have met recently? You meet all sorts of people in your daily life. It’s a fact of life – we can’t do without people in our life, like them or not. “Some people light up the room when they enter it, others...
20 Key Questions to Help You Simplify Your Life For Ever

20 Key Questions to Help You Simplify Your Life For Ever

Is your life simple or are you feeling a bit overwhelmed? Is your home full of things you no longer use? Is your business and your work being hampered by all the stuff around you? Wouldn’t you rather be deliriously happy in an almost empty space? I cannot...
10 Simple Tips for Making It Happen In Your Life Every Day

10 Simple Tips for Making It Happen In Your Life Every Day

I have just come off the phone after talking to a friend about a personal matter. She wanted some advice and as I listened, I realised how sometimes we complicate our lives so much. What would our lives be like if we could just simply cut out the drama? How can we...