Regents Park on Sunday morning

It is a beautiful Sunday morning here in London – crisp but gloriously sunny. It feels really quiet and peaceful outside and I can even hear the birds from my garden.

A while ago I wrote about how Sundays mornings were the best time of the week for me.

As I resume my “normal” life after the loss of my father, I am filled with gratitude for this morning. Today feels like I am getting back my energy and ready to move forward with my own life and to pursue my dreams once again.

This morning during a period of meditation and contemplation, I was filled with sheer gratitude for life and everything that it constitutes. Ok – we all have knocks, setbacks and challenges – whatever label we choose to give those moments when we feel life is not going the way it should be. But surely that’s the whole point – we take the good and the not so good – it is all a matter of perception.

Coming from a place of gratitude does give us a different view on life and suddenly it all seems so beautiful and worthwhile.

Today I feel a new inner peace and I can only guess this is coming from a place of acceptance and appreciation. Time is after all a great healer.

Part of the process over the last few weeks has been to stop mentally going back on all the things I did or didn’t do. Having regrets is only natural when you lose a loved one but it does not change the situation. Along the way, I have been helped and nurtured by many people and friends, new and old.

On this beautiful morning, it is time for us to reconnect with all the beauty in us and around us.

What would it be like for you to just take a step back, appreciate our world and life as it is and simple be present to the miracle of life?

Of course the real challenge is to retain this perspective on life on those days when it is raining and the world does not seem that great on the outside.

And that is the next part of my own inner journey – how to be always grateful and full of appreciation no matter what happens.