Why It Makes Sense to do Good Every Day

Why It Makes Sense to do Good Every Day

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone! Wherever you are in the word today, I wish you all the best for today even if you are not celebrating this tradition of thanks giving marked in so many countries and cultures around the wold. I love the idea of having a special day of...
21 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Never Complain Again!

21 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Never Complain Again!

Do you go through life complaining about things? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to stop complaining and start living again? I have had some amazing insights recently into this topic of complaining – and it all began during my preparations for the...
Sponsor My London Marathon Run and Help Baby India

Sponsor My London Marathon Run and Help Baby India

Have you had ever had a life-changing experience around children? An experience which changed you and your life for ever? Today I am going to share a key experience from my life – and also the incredible and moving story of baby India. You will then understand...
The #1 Secret to Get Ultimate Happiness in Your Life

The #1 Secret to Get Ultimate Happiness in Your Life

Happy International Happiness Day everyone! So just how happy are you in your life? And just how much happiness is there around you? Today is the day decreed by the UN for universal happiness and this is the second year of this day happening. So to start with, here...
Why It Makes Sense to do Good Every Day

Why You Should Never Ever Underestimate the Impact of Your Kindness

Happy Thanksgiving Week everyone! This week, as is the tradition in the USA and other countries around the world, people are celebrating with their families and loved ones. And here in London, over the last few years, thanksgiving is being celebrated more and more. I...
8 Ways to Bring More Love into the World – Before it’s too Late

8 Ways to Bring More Love into the World – Before it’s too Late

Have you ever wondered what it is that every human being ultimately wants in their life? Well, wonder no more – I can tell you what we all ultimately want to do:- We all want to make a profound difference in the lives of others. Deep down you already know this – but...