Warning: – This post may fire you up like never before. 

Reading this could change your life and make you do things you had never thought possible.

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do” Steve Jobs

When I was a young boy, I was going to change the world.

To start with, I was going to eradicate world hunger. Then get rid of nuclear weapons.

Then I was going to go around the world, taking a stand for world peace and social injustice.

I was like a dragon with fire. Fierce. Unstoppable. Ready to take on the world. And change it forever.

So what happened?

Life happened.

I got on the treadmill of finding a job, earning a living. Getting married. Getting divorced. Buying a big house and a fancy car.

Somewhere along the way, my dragon’s fire got quenched.

Does that sound familiar?

Perhaps it even sounds like you?

Whatever happened to your fire?

For some of you reading this now, the fire is burning as fiercely as ever. And I am so grateful for that.  May your fire ignite you and your dreams inspire you always.

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited” – Plutarch

When I coach clients, a recurring topic that seems to be coming up lately is the loss of this internal fire from their youth.

The challenge is to reconnect with this dragon’s fire. And once a client is reconnected, they are never the same again. Their life is never the same again.

So what is this about finding your fire?

It is all about moving through your doubts and insecurities.

About forgiving yourself and others, and learning from your life lessons.

About being assertive.

About focussing on the right things.

About living a fearless life.

Yes, we can have all the abundance and prosperity the world offers – and we can leave our legacy.

Yes, we can indeed shake the world.

I have found that the hardest thing is to get people to think big. And to follow their true calling.

When I was coaching a client recently over Skype, she was in tears of joy when we connected with her real passion and her true calling to inspire others through her work.

At moments like this, all the petty stuff becomes irrelevant and forgotten.

Playing big helps you let go of small things.

She has found her true calling and I am in awe as her life journey now blossoms the way it’s meant to do. She has found her fire.

What will it take to find your fire?

By now, as a regular reader you will know that I believe that all of us want to impact and change the world in a positive way through our lives.

So this is my challenge for you this week. Spend some time reflecting on this question:-

What did YOU want to do with your life when you were a child?

What was your dream of changing the world?

When will you begin?

As for me, you may well ask – whatever happened to my own fire!?

Well, it may have been dampened for a while, but I would like to think it’s burning brightly again.

Yes, I do help the world in my own way – through this blog, my books, my coaching, my charity involvement and my Social Media activity.

But it never seems enough. There’s so much more to be done. I guess not everyone can be a Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa.

Or maybe we can!

Maybe it is simply about having that huge vision and remaining single minded to make it happen.

I do what I can. I help when and where I can. I smile at strangers. I look for ways of helping someone clearly lost.

Oh, I almost forgot – I take part in fund raising activities. Like the London Marathon.

I took part three years ago and wrote about how easy it was to change the world in less than 8 hours and 27 miles.

I even wrote about my 10 life lessons from running the London marathon.

And here I am about to the same thing all over again.

Some people may think I am crazy, but how can I possibly quench my fire!?

In two weeks time, I’ll be taking part in the London marathon again. Once again, my intention is to walk the whole way and simply finish.

 “It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you don’t stop!” – Confucius

Once again, I am raising money for WellChild, a charity that helps look after sick children.

This is where I would like your help. I would love you to help me help these children.

Please sponsor me via my fundraising page.

Yes, the day I take part in the London marathon, my fire will be burning again for sure. And by sponsoring me, you can do your bit.

Thank you.

In the meantime, remember to search for and find your own fire from your childhood days – your life will never be the same again.

Go, find your fire!