valentine couple having fun every day!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

As so many people around the world celebrate this day of love, what are your plans, if any?

Maybe you have some fun and loving things planned with your loved one? Or maybe like me you are just skeptical of the media circus and commercial hype and you will see it as just another day.

What’s the real meaning of a day like this?

To start this article on a light note, here is a joke about Valentine’s Day:-

A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s day. What do you think it means?”

“You’ll know tonight.” he said.

That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it – only to find a book entitled “The meaning of dreams”.

This tickled me, though some of you, especially the female readers, may not have found it that funny 🙂

This is Day 14 of my “28 day Relationships Adventure” in February.

You can read all 28 articles in this series at the bottom of this article – please do check them all out

So Valentine’s is a fun time where couples can do something special whilst single people can also have fun seeking out that special valentine to spend some of the day with.

Other singletons may even get upset for being “single”.

However what is the real meaning of Valentine’s Day nowadays? And if the basis of Valentine’s Day is about celebrating and improving our relationships, how does one go about doing that?

To me, love has been commercialised to the extent that we have forgotten just what love means any more.

To start with, Valentine’s Day is actually a celebration of love, an opportunity for us to truly reconnect with the real meaning of this day. It is about LOVE, sharing and giving.

Remember, LOVE is all that matters

Also, check out this article for today from my friend Zeenat Merchant-Syal – Love is Ever Present.

Rather than just focussing on what fancy gift we can give to our loved one, or how elaborately we can celebrate the day, let us focus today on what we can actually give of ourselves.

Even if we are single, it is time to give of ourselves to others.

It is really not about us any more – it is about others and what we can do for others.

Check out this wonderful and moving lesson of self-less giving from a young boy. You may need some tissues!

True story or not, it certainly touched me when I first came across it. And it still moves something deep in me every time I read it.

If it’s not a true story, then who makes up such stories? Can we have some more please!?

To continue with the light hearted tone, here is quite often how relationships develop, grow and then fizzle out. Let’s use marriage as an analogy but you get my drift:

Before marriage:-

before marriage

After marriage:-

after the marriage

After the divorce:-

after the divorce

Maybe a huge exaggeration and a humourous one, but just where exactly is YOUR relationship compared to the above?

Once you are in a fulfilling, loving and happy relationship, you can celebrate every day as Valentine’s Day (without the commercial hype of course!).

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone – on Valentine’s Day and every day after that!

Finally, here is another joke – to balance things out a bit, female readers may appreciate this one a bit more. The lesson for men is – never lie to a woman!

A man called home to his wife and said, “Honey! I have been asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss & several of his friends. We’ll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion, I have been wanting, so could you please pack enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and fishing box, we’re leaving from the office & I will swing by the house to pick my things up”

“And oh! Please pack my new blue silk pyjamas.”

The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being the good wife she is, did exactly what her husband asked.

The following weekend he came home a little tired but otherwise looking good.

The wife welcomed him home and asked if he caught many fish?

He said, “Yes! Lots of salmon, some bluegill, and a few swordfish. But why didn’t you pack my new blue silk pyjamas like I asked you to do?”

The wife replied, “I did. They’re in your fishing box…..”

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone – make it a fun day!

And please do share your favourite Valentine Day jokes as comments below 🙂

Daily Exercise for Today

Today’s exercise is very simple. Just do one fun thing today for yourself and also for your partner if you are in a relationship. I challenge you to come wiht an idea which does not need you to buy anything – it’s time to cut out the commercial hype.

Do something from your heart and you will truly get what Valentine’s Day is really about.


28 Day Relationship Adventure

Here are the complete 28 articles in this series from February – please do check them all out:-)

1 – Become Aware of Your Relationships

2 – Love Yourself First Before Loving Anyone Else

3 – Love Yourself Without Becoming Full of Yourself

4 – Love is all that Matters

5 – 9 Simple Tips To Create Energising Relationships

6 – Why Decluttering your Friends is Good for You and Them

7 – Stop Bending over Backwards for Other People!

8 – 14 Key Strategies to Help You Become Special Too and Find the Special One!

9 – 10 Key Secrets for Becoming Likeable

10 – Don’t Fall in Love – Create Love

11 – Why You Should Create a Soulmate Relationship Rather Than Waiting for Your Soulmate!

12 – Open Your Heart and Find the Special One

13 – Create your ideal Valentine’s Day

14 – Make it a Fun Valentine’s Day Everyday!

15 – Make Your Relationship Even More Special

16 – Learn to Love Unconditionally

17 – 11 Keys to Improve ALL Your Relationships

18 – Why the Human Touch is Key

19 – How NOT to Make Friends!

20 – Share Your Love with Your Loved Ones Everyday

21 – Stop Judging, Start Loving

22 – Simple Trick to Instantly Improve All Your Relationships

23 – Why No One Is Ever An Ugly Duckling!

24 – Why World Compassion Begins With You

25 – Why Teamwork Always Begins with YOU

26 – How to Let People Go From Your Life

27 – Thank the Divine Every Day

28 – Stop Being An Approval Seeking Machine

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Top image courtesy of divemasterking2000

Other images courtesy of the lions:-)